Warner Brothers Wants Oscar Gold for Wonder Woman.

Well… as my father used to say: it’s good to want.

Variety reports that the studio is considering a “formidable awards-season campaign” for the film, targeting both a Best Picture nomination for the film and Best Director nomination for Patty Jenkins. To date, only four women have been nominated for the Best Director Oscar: Lina Wertmüller (Seven Beauties), Jane Campion (The Piano), Sofia Coppola (Lost in Translation), and Kathryn Bigelow (Zero Dark Thirty), with Bigelow being the only winner. Jenkins’ first film, Monster, secured Charlize Theron her own Best Actress Academy Award.

Continue reading Warner Brothers Wants Oscar Gold for Wonder Woman.

Wonder Woman II: Wonder Woman vs. the Commies?

Could be, could be: “…The Wrap has said in an unsourced report that Wonder Woman 2 will take place during the 1980s and feature Diana of Themyscira going head-to-head with agents of the Soviet Union.” Fine by me.  I was going to go see the sequel anyway*: I won’t object to a gritty spy-vs-spy drama in which a lot of Commies suddenly and terminally discover the practical problems with espousing dialectal materialism in a world that has, you know, visible gods and stuff.  I won’t object at all. I’ll even buy extra popcorn. Continue reading Wonder Woman II: Wonder Woman vs. the Commies?

Gal Gadot sings about her breasts, Chris Pine comes clean on armpit hair controversy.

I thought that I was going to roll my eyes on this one, but Gal Gadot and Chris Pine beat me to it. It would seem that Ms. Gadot is happy to write songs about her breast size (she’s pretty pleased about it*) and Mr. Pine started the entire armpit hair controversy as fodder for his application to a PhD. program.  All in all, this entire clip is pretty funny: it’s what you get when two actors are basking in the glow of knowing that their movie just brought in half a billion in two weeks. I approve.


Continue reading Gal Gadot sings about her breasts, Chris Pine comes clean on armpit hair controversy.

I wonder if Disney is going to move up Captain Marvel now.

Or is that even a sensible strategy?  I’m not sure how this sort of thing games out. Does not having Captain Marvel out until 2019 build up the expectations for that movie — because it will be compared to Wonder Woman; I can almost see the think pieces in the aether, waiting to be manifested — for too long? Or does the studio want some distance in time between Wonder Woman and this flick? Weirdly, this is the one field in the DC/Marvel media wars where Marvel is at a disadvantage; the MCU doesn’t go in much for iconic (given how Marvel’s original iconic characters were all farmed out to other studios, it largely can’t). Wonder Woman is a solidly iconic movie at this point, and I suspect that there’s going to be another round of think pieces when it doesn’t get any serious Oscar nominations*. Extremely ticked-off ones.

Moe Lane

*The Academy purely hates superhero flicks. Even when they’re better than what normally gets the nomination.  Particularly when they’re better, in fact. The only reason they gave Heath Ledger that Best Supporting Actor Oscar was because it was posthumous.

My brief, spoiler-free review of the awesome Wonder Woman.

Short version: it’s awesome.   More brightly-colored, recognizably good vs. unquestionably evil superhero flicks with good actors and action, please. Seriously, DC could have done something like this for Man of Steel and they should have, too. Continue reading My brief, spoiler-free review of the awesome Wonder Woman.

Gonna go see Wonder Woman tonight.

Let me just get this out of the way: based on the reviews I’ve seen already, I expect Wonder Woman to be watching a fun, good superhero popcorn movie with good chemistry between the leads.  And that’s all that the movie is obliged to be.  [X]%* of all the other stuff is nice and everything, but the goal here is to keep people from regretting that they put down money to watch the movie.  If they don’t regret it, then it could be as stupid as, I dunno, Spaceballs or something and it’d still be OK.

But from what I hear, it’s not stupid, and it won’t suck. I’ll still do the Geek’s Prayer, though. Just to be on the safe side.

Moe Lane

*The number ain’t 0% (there’s no reason why we couldn’t have had a good Wonder Woman movie before this) and the number ain’t 100% (some people are treating this film like it’s the Messiah); pick whatever percentage that you like.

The final ‘Wonder Woman’ trailer.

I’ve been a little apprehensive about this one, because there’s a vibe that it might have gotten away from the director, but the latest Wonder Woman trailer has some nice bits in it.  Female main villain and main heroine? I think that makes a certain amount of thematic sense, particularly if the villain is also an Amazon. And the kid version of Diana is pretty endearingly pugnacious.

Guess we’ll see.  June 2nd…

Well, here’s another Wonder Woman trailer.

:drumming fingers: I want to believe that this isn’t going to be bad.  I really do. But I can see either a really good Wonder Woman movie peeking out of this trailer, or a really bad one.  And I won’t know which one we’re all going to see until it actually comes out.

Continue reading Well, here’s another Wonder Woman trailer.

Wonder Woman trailer just dropped.

Weirdest thing: there are these strange colors called ‘red’ and ‘blue’ in the Wonder Woman trailer. A couple of times, those colors even approached being ‘tints’ of of red and blue, not ‘shades.’  I was unaware that DC’s cinema division even knew that such things existed in the first place…