10 thoughts on “Mass Effect 3 trailer.”

  1. I assume you’re looking specifically for CRPGs. Without knowing what else you’ve played it’s hard to give recommendations. Fallout: New Vegas is an obvious candidate. Fable III. You could import a UK copy of Divinity II: The Dragon Knight Saga. All of those games are available now.

    Two World II has been getting surprisingly good reviews given the deeply flawed nature of its predecessor. You could try to import a copy of that, or wait for the North American release in early January. Deus Ex: Human Revolution is supposed to ship in February.

    And if that isn’t enough, you can explore the fun world of retro-gaming. I’ve been working my way through the Avernum double-trilogy for several months now, and I’m only into Avernum IV. It’s Ultima VI-style turn-based CRPG goodness!

  2. I can ship you a free 10 day trial for World of Warcraft, Moe, then you’ll never worry about something to play ever again…

  3. I’ve been ready for Mass Effect 3, for a good while, having played both 1 & 2 until having dreams, about them. LOL

  4. Well, actually two 10-day cards came with the latest expansion, so I’d give you one for her as well… 🙂

  5. If you never played the original, then I *highly* recommend Bioshock – for the Ayn Rand influences alone. Assassin’s Creed 2 is another good choice.

    Or – just wait for the crazy year end Steam sale and see what looks good!

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