6 thoughts on “#rsrh You forgot one, @DavidHarsanyi.”

  1. Also missing the Obama-as-Superhero motif.

    (a simple google image search for “obama superman” will bring up plenty of examples)


  2. Gonna do something a bit odd, and see if I can link to a comment I made elsewhere. It’s about some historical context for the attitude the left has towards Obama.

  3. That’s Portland (aka The Rose City, geddit?) looking west across the Willamette from the East Bank Esplanade, the Hawthorne Bridge on the right and the KOIN Tower (where I work) on the right. The O should be about neck deep and the horsie in the background should be completely under water (unless, due to poor perspective, it is actually growing out of O’s arm…). The artist has inexplicable omitted the Wells Fargo Tower (the tallest building in Portland), perhaps because O shouldn’t be associated with eeeevul bankers…

  4. Mr. Lane, check out RealClearPolitics, they are saying with their poll round up that this thing is over. Any chance you can check out the internals and chill us out all up in here?

    1. Doc Holliday: Umm, link? – Because I was just over there, and they’re (sensibly) not calling the election. 🙂

      Besides, I don’t particularly ‘do’ reassurance. I make clubs. 🙂

  5. well, they listed about 6 battleground state polls and Mitt was losing them all; it sure scared me 😮 , I am better now though.

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