RS Interview: Chris Sheldon (R CAND, MA-09).

The rather epic redistricting of Massachusetts in 2011-2012 (short version: the state lost a district, and nobody wanted to be the guy without a chair, and things went downhill from there) resulted in the creation of a conservative – for Massachusetts – district involving the Cape Cod area.  It’s a seat with a half-incumbent: current MA-10 Rep. Bill Keating didn’t exactly live inside the district’s new boundaries… but he does have a summer home there, which apparently counts. He’s being challenged in this particular race by Chris Sheldon, local businessman and volunteer.  We spoke with Chris this afternoon:

Chris’s site is here.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

Pew backs up Gallup on Obama losing early voting totals.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch

Just as the presidential race is deadlocked in the campaign’s final days, the candidates are also running about even when it comes to the ground game. Voters nationally, as well those in the closely contested battleground states, report being contacted at about the same rates by each of the campaigns. And with a fifth of likely voters reporting already having cast their ballots, neither Barack Obama nor Mitt Romney has a clear advantage among early voters. This is in sharp contrast to early voting at this point four years ago, which favored Obama by a wide margin.

Continue reading Pew backs up Gallup on Obama losing early voting totals.

Let me just apologize in advance… [UDATE: Whew.]

[UPDATE: My mom checked in. She’s fine and so is everybody else. No power, but fine.]

…my immediate family – including my mom – lives in a portion of the Jersey Shore that is apparently off of the grid right now, and I haven’t directly heard from them in two days. So I may be just a touch on edge for a while. I won’t try to take it out on anybody, but I’m not exactly serene at the moment.

OK. So which movie director SHOULD do Episode VII?

OK, so when I went off on Disney acquiring LucasFilm yesterday I had a lot of people point out to me that at least Disney will sell us stuff that we tell them that we actually want to buy – which Lucas always had a problem with. And I admit, that is an argument. So then I see this:

Continue reading OK. So which movie director SHOULD do Episode VII?

Gallup: Erm, that early voting advantage for Obama? Well… it’s sort of, um, yeah, NOT THERE.

Not even a little.

Romney currently leads Obama 52% to 45% among voters who say they have already cast their ballots. However, that is comparable to Romney’s 51% to 46% lead among all likely voters in Gallup’s Oct. 22-28 tracking polling. At the same time, the race is tied at 49% among those who have not yet voted but still intend to vote early, suggesting these voters could cause the race to tighten. However, Romney leads 51% to 45% among the much larger group of voters who plan to vote on Election Day, Nov. 6.

Gallup’s showing that 15% of the electorate has already voted; 33% currently say that they have already voted or plan to; and estimate that 36% of the electorate will be early voting this year.  In case you were wondering, at this point in 2008 Barack Obama was winning all three categories in the previous paragraph by comfortable margins: 53/43 among already-voted, 54/40 among plan-to-vote-early, 50/44 among vote-on-Election-Day.  That link’s via Dave Weigel (who also helpfully offers up the Obama campaign’s rebuttal of state polls without noting that we are constantly seeing inflated reports of early voting on the state level*); the whole thing’s via Jim Geraghty’s Daily Jolt (alas, NRO is down right now, so no direct link). Continue reading Gallup: Erm, that early voting advantage for Obama? Well… it’s sort of, um, yeah, NOT THERE.

A helpful reminder for anybody owed money by a Democratic organization.

Specifically: if you’re a vendor who has sold goods or services to either the DNC, the DCCC,  and/or OfA, and you have not been paid yet… this is the week to settle your bills.

Moe Lane

PS: Don’t be meshuggah.  People have a right to expect that their contracts will be honored.  Even from the dishonorable.  Especially from the dishonorable, in fact.

Tweet of the Day, An Excellent Start To The Last Week edition.

One billion dollars raised by the ostensibly most powerful fundraising campaign in American political history, and Obama can’t match Romney in the final stretch.

And Romney’s ahead. Challengers are not supposed to be ahead of incumbents one week out before an election.