The Mouse pries a couple of Sony’s fingers off of Spider-Man.

The news in the first sentence may be normally problematic, but it’s made up for by the second one:

In the wake of its deal to co-produce Sony’s next “Spider-Man” movie, Disney has delayed the release of four upcoming Marvel superhero movies to make way for it.

Sony and Disney said Monday that they will co-produce the next “Spider-Man” film, marking a new creative direction for the character, which will be released by Sony on July 28, 2017.

Forgive me for saying this, but I’d delay the Ms. Marvel movie and Thor sequel in order to get Spidey in the rotation of a sensible Marvel Universe franchise as early as possible, too.  …I’d make a sardonic comment about the new Spider-man movies right now, except that I haven’t seen them.  No, I don’t know why that’s stopping me, either.

Via @MelissaTweets.

7 thoughts on “The Mouse pries a couple of Sony’s fingers off of Spider-Man.”

  1. Hmm, this could be good, or it could be really, really bad. I wonder if they’ll use any of the storyline where Doc Ock has taken over spidey’s body and become good? That would certainly be ‘new direction’.

    Or then again, maybe they could make spidey a black lesbian transgender undocumented immigrant muslim, infected by a Tea Party member working for an evil corporation.

  2. I went into the first Andrew Garfield Spider-Man moving thinking I would HATE it: I liked Maguire’s take on the character, I thought that organic web shooters made a hell of a lot more sense than mechanical ones, I didn’t like the new costume, etc etc.
    I came out of that theater thinking it was the best Spider-Man movie I’d ever seen. Naturally, I was stoked for SM2.
    I was disappointed for pretty much the same reasons I was disappointed by the first SM2: lots of promise, no real follow-through, and many moments spent wondering “Why is the movie spending time on uninteresting character X when I really want to see more of Y?” And honestly, Jamie Foxx reminded me too damn much of Richard Pryor in Superman 3.
    TLDR watch the first one ASAP, but there’s no rush to see the second.

  3. I was never a comic book reader, so I take all of these movies at face value. I really haven’t figured out what’s wrong with any of the Spiderman movies. I liked them for what they were.

    What I would like to see however, is a decent Hulk movie.

  4. My girlfriend’s theory about this (she’s forgotten more about comics than I know) is that since Captain America 3 has been announced to be Civil War, that they’re going to pull Peter Parker into it. From what I understand Peter Parker had a pretty significant role in the comics Civil War thread.

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