Well, looks like I’m home this weekend after all.

The cat’s back from the vet, and somebody’s gotta keep an eye on him so that he doesn’t chew off the bandage while we’re gone. Or freak out when the morphine rush wears off for him on Sunday. So: sick cat and serious housecleaning this weekend instead of grilled hot dogs and beer.


5 thoughts on “Well, looks like I’m home this weekend after all.”

  1. That’s a rough twist. You have my sympathies! I don’t know how much it will alleviate the tedium, but I’ve been meaning to recommend Fallen London to you. The aesthetic seems right up your alley. Free to play, story-focused, Gothic Victorian with a leavening of humor and a good dose of HPL (I’ve already lost my mind once, and getting back to sanity was its own creepy and amusing adventure). Social choose-your-own-adventure is a good summary of the gameplay, I think. Oh, and I happened to notice they’re looking for writers, if you know anyone in that line of work. 😀 I’ve been playing it for about 3 weeks now, and it’s been a blast.

    Or you could do like half the writers I know and just write all weekend. Which reminds me, I need to go throw some money in your till at Patreon.

    1. I’ll second that recommendation, although it’s been a while since I played. Also, note that Sunless Sea is by the same group, in the same universe, available on Steam, 50% off with the current sale.

  2. Cleaning here as well this weekend, since future in-laws are coming the weekend after. Any and all cleaning that’s been being put off can’t be any longer.

  3. While certainly less exciting when alone, who said grilling and beer are out of the question?

  4. I just got the great news that I’m only home for a week before having to be gone again. 😛
    That’s life, AmIRight?

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