So, there’s a kid’s video called All About Big Red Fire Engines.

I thought that we’d give the series a shot; the kid likes trucks. Heck, the daddy likes trucks.

The daddy does not like having to deal with multiple previews of shows and movies that he has no intention of either buying, or letting his kid get in the habit of wanting; particularly when the “skip past” and “skip to menu” functions on the DVD have been disabled. The daddy will thus not buy any more of the series.

The studio for this series is Gaiam Americas: You Have Been Warned.

Moe Lane

PS: I don’t object to advertising, per se. NCircle Entertainment does it smart, though: they put examples of other shows that they distribute after the main program, where you can ignore them if you want. Which is why we went out and bought a bunch of Pocoyo videos; an example was on the Mighty Machines video that we bought for the kid, and it met our criteria for acceptable entertainment.

Don’t Mess With Old People Watch: Milwaukee, Michigan.

There’s always something entertaining about watching a criminal get his ass handed to him by a guy three times his age.  Particularly when it involves multiple camera angles.

I understand, by the way, that the aforementioned criminal’s name is something like ‘Sinister Smith.’ I don’t believe in acrophonology, Qabalah, or gematria generally – but I do believe in Just Asking For It, and whoever gave this poor schmuck that name was Just Asking For It.

So don’t do that, OK?

Moe Lane

(A modified form of this post can be found here.)

About time the Wii started coming down in price (plus, a blunder on my part!)

By about 20% in the US.

Not that I’m buying a Wii any time soon: if I did, it’d suck up all the free time that I have, plus the time that I spend blogging, plus probably some other time, too.  So it’d be a real shame if some enterprising Democratic party operative took advantage of this confessed weakness and bought it and the Mario Kart Wii with Wii Wheel off the Wish List for me.

A real shame.

The cops should have split long before that, of course.

I’m putting up this theblogprof link to this video of cops interrupting their drug raid to go – well, go look for yourself – because I’m just that nice of a guy.  Suffice it to say that the pun in the title will become obvious once you do go look.

Also, the reason for this link.

Crossposted to RedState.