Canadian anti-Semitic groups to be hoist on their own petard.

What goes around, comes around.

In Canada, various leftwing and pro-terror groups have used the odious hate speech laws to bludgeon critics into silence. Even though many of the cases are overturned upon appeal, the accused is out of a lot of money to defend themselves and their reputation is forever damaged. Now these laws might be put to good use…

…by using them to target Jew-hating Israeli boycott groups. streiff goes on to note that this is actually bad, because even hate speech like this is still free speech; and I, of course, agree. On the other hand, it’s not my country and Canada’s draconian regulations on freedom of expression don’t apply to me.  And on the gripping hand? If the Harper administration starts using those laws to smack the Left on the nose enough, the Left will fall all over itself to get those laws repealed.

Republican pollster: Terri Lynn Land (R) / Gary Peters (D) 44/36 in Michigan Senate race.

Usual caveats: it’s early, it’s one of a bunch of possible outcomes, it’s a Republican pollster (Harper), and so forth. But this is still pretty good news for Republican candidate Terri Lynn Land. And the Republican party in Michigan, because Harper also checked the generic race:

On the generic Senate ballot, Democrats actually lead in the same race by just over one point — well within the poll’s 3 point margin of error. Land’s favorable/unfavorable rating is 32% to 18%, compared to Peters’ 18% to 18%. Only 51 percent of those surveyed said they don’t know enough about Land to form an opinion, compared to 64 percent for Peters.

That gives the Democrat more upside potential. Still, the result demonstrates that Republicans should not overlook the opportunity created by the retirement of six-term Sen. Carl Levin, D — the first open-seat Senate race in Michigan since 1994, when Republican Spence Abraham won. Although Michigan is considered a “Blue” state in presidential races, it has repeatedly elected Republicans to statewide offices in midterm elections.

Continue reading Republican pollster: Terri Lynn Land (R) / Gary Peters (D) 44/36 in Michigan Senate race.