Another physical copy tier has been added to FROZEN DREAMS.

I was going to wait, but people kept telling me not to wait, and then my sister-in-law asked a pointed question, and that was pretty much it at that point. You know how it is. I don’t think a third series of signed and lettered copies of FROZEN DREAMS is in the cards, though: my back ain’t what it used to be.

Moe Lane

The DEVIL’S CITY fiction/gaming Kickstarter.

The Devil’s City: Horror Fiction & 5e Gaming Conjoined looks very nice.

So much so that normally I’d be picking it up. I’m not really in the best position to buy stuff like this right now, given my own project* and everything, but it does look nifty. And goodness knows I want to encourage such things, so: check it out.

Moe Lane

*The temptation to link to said project was strong, there, but I’m TRYING to be helpful.

So, Day One of the FROZEN DREAMS Kickstarter went well.

At 5 PM Eastern Time: $775, 33 backers, off of a $200 target goal. Not bad. Not bad at all.

A little surprising, mind you — but, as my wife pointed out to me, I was operating under very conservative assumptions for the FROZEN DREAMS Kickstarter. And not just in terms of the pledge goal. I had worked out ahead of time what I thought I’d need, in terms of how many people would sign up for each tier; and I made the assumption that I’d get more people at the base tier than for the higher ones. In fact, I didn’t take into consideration the two highest tiers of all when calculating revenue results*. It turns out that the exact opposite happened; the two highest tiers sold out on the first day, and the base tier had the lowest total**.

Mind you, I’m not exactly upset that I funded 300% on the first day. If I have anything like a concern it’s that I don’t overcompensate for the next Kickstarter and screw that up somehow. But this has been a pleasantly educational day.

Continue reading So, Day One of the FROZEN DREAMS Kickstarter went well.

03/31/2020 Book Report, FROZEN DREAMS.

Last-minute fiddling with the FROZEN DREAMS Kickstarter, which launches tomorrow morning AND I’M PERFECTLY FINE AND CALM ABOUT THAT. I’ve also formally gotten the copy-editing process started, and spoken with a relative about a possible stretch goal that she would actually do quite well with but I’d need to get a LOT of people to sign up for before I could run with it. Finally, I also added a blue-sky limited tier; I don’t expect it to fill, but you never know and if nobody snaps it up I’m none the worse off for it.

So, pretty much everything is ready for tomorrow. Yay! I’m sure it’ll all be fine. We’re fine. We’re all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

ONE WEEK to go on the [start of the] FROZEN DREAMS Kickstarter!

What timing, hey? I should maybe hold out for an asteroid strike. Or maybe wait until the Yellowstone caldera finally blows its stack. Seriously, though, one week until the FROZEN DREAMS Kickstarter starts. Click the link to sign up for the launch notification. See you there!

Look! There’s gonna be cover art, even!

The FROZEN DREAMS Kickstarter launches in two weeks!

You may recognize the cover artist. If this all works out, I can think of a bunch of webcartoonists who I’d be happy to toss paying work their way.

You can click here to sign up for the launch notification for my FROZEN DREAMS (post-apocalypse high urban fantasy pulp detective novel) Kickstarter (it starts up on April 1st). I have a reasonably good feeling about it, although I have to caution myself not to be too optimistic. This is, after all, my first Kickstarter. There will undoubtedly be teething pains.

I would like some eyeballs on this FROZEN DREAMS Kickstarter tier.

Does this below make sense? I’m limiting the backers on this tier to 20, not because signing my name is onerous but because it makes me feel better about the whole thing. Lemme explain the numbers after the pledge:

Continue reading I would like some eyeballs on this FROZEN DREAMS Kickstarter tier.

Three weeks until the start o the FROZEN DREAMS Kickstarter!

Click that link and hit the “Notify At Launch” button so that you won’t forget. The FROZEN DREAMS* Kickstarter starts on April 1st and continues for thirty days, but the first couple are the most important ones for purposes of generating buzz. Tell your friends; heck, tell your enemies if you think that they’ll listen.

Moe Lane

*My first book! Post-apocalyptic high urban fantasy pulp detective fiction. Trust me, it makes more sense once you read it.