The Ridley Scott NAPOLEON trailer.

I’m surprised NAPOLEON didn’t ping my radar. Especially since it’s Ridley Scott who’s doing it. He has a hand at this kind of epic.

Wait, didn’t this happen in Gladiator?

From the Big Hollywood review of Robin Hood:

Things open on a promising note.  The date is 1199 and Robin (Crowe) is an archer for King Richard who is pillaging his way through France on his way back to England after the Crusades. Nothing happens you haven’t seen a hundred times before in one of these Medieval romps, but Scott knows how to structure, shoot and edit big action set-pieces like few others so the ole’ castle storm is exciting. 140 minutes later, however, you discover the hard way that this is where it all peaked.

Yes.  That is precisely what happened in Gladiator.  You start out with this:

Then you spend the rest of the movie waiting for it to come back. Hell, Scott even used Russell Crowe again, the lazy SOB.