Well, Terry McAuliffe took office. Over/under on first corruption probe?

I’m an optimist: I figure Terry is going to be able to keep his cronies from raiding the treasury for at least 9 months. And it should take his people at least another three months to get caught.  So, not in time for the Senate election, so maybe I’m being a pessimist instead.

More via Hot Air; you’ll note that nobody is really raising huzzahs about this guy being in office.  Maybe it’s the cloud of anticipatory dread.  Maybe it’s the fact that Medicaid expansion is likely to be as popular in Virginia as renaming the state “South Delaware.”  Maybe it’s just that it’s Terry Freaking McAuliffe and the Democrats themselves are kind of wondering just what he’s supposed to do (besides raiding the treasury, of course).  Fortunately, it’s not my state, and not my political party, so not really my problem. Continue reading Well, Terry McAuliffe took office. Over/under on first corruption probe?

Ken Cuccinelli helpfully reminds Virginia that Barack Obama & Terry McAuliffe are allies. #obamacare.

This is, of course, a parody of Barack Obama’s actual remarks about Terry McAuliffe. You can tell because surely Barack Obama would not be stupid enough to praise Obamacare – and McAuliffe’s intention to actually drag the state further into its clutches – two days before the Virginia gubernatorial election. There are limits to idiocy.

There have to be.

Anyway, a taste: Continue reading Ken Cuccinelli helpfully reminds Virginia that Barack Obama & Terry McAuliffe are allies. #obamacare.

More details on Terry McAuliffe’s profit off of a dying man’s signature.

I don’t get this.

A dying mechanic wanted a few thousand dollars to leave to his wife, two sons and infant daughter. A politically connected millionaire, now running for Virginia governor, wanted to make some money. And a Rhode Island estate planner wanted to become ambassador to the Vatican.

All three came together on paper in late 2006 in a deal struck just two months before the 44-year-old mechanic died of cancer.

The mechanic got $5,000. The millionaire, Democrat Terry McAuliffe, made at least $47,000. But the estate planning lawyer, Joseph Caramadre, went to prison instead of Rome.

Continue reading More details on Terry McAuliffe’s profit off of a dying man’s signature.

Did Terry McAuliffe allow GreenTech to keep on fundraising, using his name?

Man, the Washington Post is really setting itself up for some severe criticism when they finally end up endorsing Terry McAuliffe. It’s like they’re providing us with all the information we need to discredit said endorsement ahead of time:

…Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe (D), is listed in a recent confidential memorandum to prospective investors as GreenTech Automotive’s “chairman emeritus.” The 70-page document includes photographs and references to McAuliffe’s close ties to former president Bill Clinton. It recounts his political pedigree in detail, from serving as finance director for Jimmy Carter’s 1980 presidential reelection campaign to breaking fundraising records for the Democratic Party and chairing Hillary Rodham Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign.

[snip] Continue reading Did Terry McAuliffe allow GreenTech to keep on fundraising, using his name?

The Washington Post has a real problem with… Terry McAuliffe’s performance at the NVTC.

This is a remarkably vicious article from the Washington Post… which is to say, it only attacked the Republican candidate for Virginia governor once and even then waited until about the sixteenth paragraph to do it.  Apparently, the Post did not like Terry McAuliffe’s performance at the Northern Virginia Technology Council, particularly when compared to Ken Cuccinelli’s; and that disapproval seems to have slopped over on their reporting of some of the other stupid things that McAuliffe’s done lately.  Case in point:

McAuliffe also seemed to back off what had sounded like a solemn vow: not to sign a budget that does not include money to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act. GOP leaders have said the campaign promise amounts to a threat to shut down the government given opposition to expanding the health-care program in the Republican-dominated House.

Asked whether he really meant that he would not sign a budget without the expansion, McAuliffe said: “I always say, ‘Please make sure you send a budget that has the Medicaid expansion.’ ” He has left off the “please” in at least three campaign appearances.

For the record: there is not a chance in Hades that any Democrat governor would dare shut down a state government in the run-up to the 2016 election. Too damaging to the national Democratic party’s likely narrative, you see.

Moving on… Continue reading The Washington Post has a real problem with… Terry McAuliffe’s performance at the NVTC.

Quinnipac predicts unprecedented Libertarian surge in Virginia governor’s race!

Well, that would have to be the alternative explanation to what’s apparently happening, which is that the governor’s race is tightening in Virginia again. Cuccinelli/McAuliffe went from 42/48 in August’s Q-Poll to 41/44 now.

The poll indicates McAuliffe, the former chairman of the Democratic National Committee, at 44% among likely commonwealth voters, with Cuccinelli at 41%. The three point margin for McAuliffe, who lost a bid for the 2009 Democratic gubernatorial nomination, is within the survey’s sampling error.


The new poll suggests that Robert Sarvis, the Libertarian candidate who stands at 7%, could hold a key to the November election.

And that last factoid reminds me of the 2009 governor’s race, actually.  Only, the one in NJ. Continue reading Quinnipac predicts unprecedented Libertarian surge in Virginia governor’s race!

Terry McAuliffe surrogates caught trying to bully Northern Virginia business community.

You have to wonder whether Terry McAuliffe’s campaign is worried that the VA Governor’s polling isn’t reflective of the actual race*: these are not the actions of a confident candidate.

High-powered Terry McAuliffe supporters made a furious attempt over the weekend to reverse a Washington area business group’s endorsement of Republican Ken Cuccinelli II for governor, with state legislators warning that “doors will be closed” to the group if it sticks by its choice.

The pressure exerted on the Northern Virginia Technology Council’s political arm, Tech PAC, by a U.S. senator, a Republican lieutenant governor at odds with Cuccinelli and several others suggests that McAuliffe’s campaign is worried that a Cuccinelli endorsement could undermine the central premise of the Democrat’s campaign… Continue reading Terry McAuliffe surrogates caught trying to bully Northern Virginia business community.

Washington Post buries its allegation that Terry McAuliffe’s Greentech lied to VEDP.

There’s a good bit here of interest in this surprisingly hostile Washington Post article on Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe* and his  horrible, awful, no good kiddie electric car company GreenTech, but one particular bit jumps out:

VEDP [Virginia Economic Development Partnership] officials were also uneasy about GreenTech’s heavy reliance on EB-5 financing. A top GreenTech executive told the VEDP that each year, 20,000 Chinese entrepreneurs immigrate using the EB-5 program.

“If we obtain a fraction of that market alone, the funding will be substantial,” Yi “Gary” Tang, a former mortgage-backed securities trader who is now executive vice president of finance at GreenTech, told VEDP officials in an e-mail.

Yet the maximum number of foreign entrepreneurs authorized by Congress is 10,000 a year, and the Government Accountability Office found that many fewer participated. Even after a surge of interest in recent years, a USCIS ombudsman said, about 7,400 visas were issued in 2012.

…So, basically, the Washington Post is reporting that McAuliffe’s company lied to the Commonwealth of Virginia in 2009.


You know, I may just be one of these new media guys and all of that, and I certainly didn’t go to J-school: but shouldn’t you lead an article with a revelation like that? Continue reading Washington Post buries its allegation that Terry McAuliffe’s Greentech lied to VEDP.