At the RS Gathering (Friday Night)…

…and I have just determined that while I have a laptop, I have an internet connection, and I have a video camera (currently holding two clips of Pat Toomey) – I do not have a cable that will allow me to transfer video from the camera to the laptop, and then use to show the rest of you via the Internet.

So expect a whole lot of video downloading on Sunday, apparently.

Moe Lane

PS: If you’re here and looking for me, I’m the guy wearing a ninja union local 1231 t-shirt. It’s a Megatokyo reference: sorry.

PPS: It is raining quite a bit out, yes. Half of our Contributors are still in the air, trying to get to Atlanta

PPPS: The mystery guest speaker is very cool; the room erupted in spontaneous applause when the name was announced.

Crossposted to RedState.

So, this is how today is going.

Tomorrow morning I get on a flight to Atlanta for the RedState Gathering: in the meantime, a combination of family visiting, packing, and decreasing my library by a third is pretty much paramount.  That means the free ice cream’s going to be sparse for a bit, and by bit I mean several days.


Jules Crittenden
Hawk’s plateau
Blog of Much Holding
The Skepticrats
The Sundries Shack

Thank God Joe Biden was at the beer summit.

Contra Allahpundit. As one of Jake Tapper’s commenters noted, that way nobody else would have been able to get a word in edgewise. Looking at the body language, that might have been for the best.

This really is iconic for Dizzy City, isn’t it? Four guys sitting around trying to pretend that their casual meet-and-greet-with-smiles-that-don’t-reach-the-eyes aren’t being filmed by umpteen billion different members of the media. No wonder the cameras kept moving around: the people that weren’t having cold beer were just as much part of the story as the people that were.

Crossposted to RedState.

President strikes another blow against clean energy.

If you’re surprised that he would renege on a campaign promise:

Bethesda-based USEC on Tuesday accused President Obama of reneging on a campaign pledge after the Energy Department turned down the company’s request for $2 billion in loan guarantees for a new uranium enrichment project in Piketon, Ohio.


“We are shocked and disappointed by DOE’s decision,” USEC chief executive John K. Welch said in a statement. “President Obama promised to support the loan guarantee for the American Centrifuge Plant while he campaigned in Ohio. We are disappointed that campaign commitment has not been met.”


While campaigning in southern Ohio last August, Obama praised the USEC project. “Under my administration, energy programs that promote safe and environmentally sound technologies and are domestically produced, such as the enrichment facility in Ohio, will have my full support,” he said later in a letter to Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland (D). “I will work with the Department of Energy to help make loan guarantees available for this and other advanced energy programs that reduce carbon emissions. “

(Via The Continue reading President strikes another blow against clean energy.

Cash for clunkers program performing precisely as expected.

Which is to say, badly.

The problem is that participating car dealers are currently on the hook for the trade-ins that they made in good faith, but have yet to see any of the deals signed off on by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. There are problems with the online system, you see.

Of course there are.  It’s a government program, remember?

[Minnesota Auto Dealers Association vice president Scott] Lambert said the government has created a program that’s “so big and cumbersome that it can’t find a way to accept anything. We’re sending in good, reliable deals.”

It’s nerve-racking for the dealers, he said, because they have given the customer $4,500 and now the dealers need to be reimbursed.

Continue reading Cash for clunkers program performing precisely as expected.