#rsrh Hey, what’s that festooning the Colbert Show?

Ah. Wikileaks founder Julian Assange’s guts.

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
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Continue reading #rsrh Hey, what’s that festooning the Colbert Show?

Meet Jon Barela (R CAND, NM-01).

I had the opportunity to meet with New Mexico candidate (and NRCC Young Gun) Jon Barela yesterday for a quick interview and discussion:

The district (currently listed as Likely Democratic by Cook) itself is interesting; it’s a traditionally Republican district and the last poll for it was prior to passage of the health care debacle. Rep. Heinrich not only supported the bill; he supported a public option, and is also on the wrong side of pretty much every conservative issue of the 111th Congress, from the ‘stimulus’ on. Heinrich even managed to co-sponsor card check legislation, which is particularly unfortunate for him right now. The basic theme to this campaign, in other words, is that the incumbent is not only too liberal for the district; he’s too liberal for his own local party, to the point where some Democratic delegates were voting for Barela in their pre-primary election.  This is not a sign of a secure incumbent.

Jon’s site is here.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

#rsrh Barney Frank gets yelled at for health care.

By two ophthalmologists, apparently.  That’s pretty much the story: he was on a flight with his partner, the two ophthalmologists decided to voice their disappointment with Frank’s error in government, Frank’s partner said something rude about the ophthalmologists’ gender, and it all went downhill from there.  Personally, I’m with Glenn Reynolds on this: if Barney Frank doesn’t want to hear unflattering things said in public about his legislative technique, Barney Frank is welcome to start driving more. And if he feels that dealing with this is beneath his dignity as House Finance Services chair, well, the way things are going that won’t be an issue anyway, starting next January.

Moe Lane

PS: I’d like to note for the record that the participants of only one side of this argument have actually ever worked for a living, and it ain’t the ones who were in favor of the Democrats’ health care debacle.

Congressional Democrats muck up Congressional insurance coverage.

Not. OUR. Fault.

Via Just One Minute (indeed…) comes your feel-good story of the day: Congressional Democrats have managed to thoroughly muck up Congress’ own health care coverage, particularly for new hires. Both staffers and legislators:

The law apparently bars members of Congress from the federal employees health program, on the assumption that lawmakers should join many of their constituents in getting coverage through new state-based markets known as insurance exchanges.

But the research service found that this provision was written in an imprecise, confusing way, so it is not clear when it takes effect.

The new exchanges do not have to be in operation until 2014. But because of a possible “drafting error,” the report says, Congress did not specify an effective date for the section excluding lawmakers from the existing program.

Under well-established canons of statutory interpretation, the report said, “a law takes effect on the date of its enactment” unless Congress clearly specifies otherwise. And Congress did not specify any other effective date for this part of the health care law. The law was enacted when President Obama signed it three weeks ago.

Continue reading Congressional Democrats muck up Congressional insurance coverage.

Portman rivals Rubio in 1Q fundraising: 2.35 million.

Not too shabby:

Rob Portman announced today that his U.S. Senate campaign raised $2.35 million during the first three months of 2010 and has $7.6 million cash-on-hand. More than 5,600 individuals contributed to the campaign during the first quarter, bringing the total number of individual supporters to more than 13,000 – over 80 percent of whom are Ohioans.

Couple that with his polling outside the MoE on the latest Rasmussen and Portman’s having himself a decent quarter here. As opposed to his Democratic counterparts, who are currently rather busy cutting each other into ribbons over whether or not there’s a whispering campaign going on:

[OH SOS Jennifer] Brunner told The Vindicator during a Friday telephone interview that her criticism is “obviously getting under his skin. I have evidence, but when people who support me tell me these things they’re afraid to let me give their names. There are numerous instances where either he or his wife will say to people that the governor has endorsed [Lt. Gov.] Lee [Fisher]. People won’t come forward because they’re scared.”

Meanwhile, Fisher is bragging about his role in the 172K job loss in Ohio in 2009.

No, really.

Moe Lane

PS: Support Rob Portman anyway. There’s always the chance that the Democrats will wise up and nominate a functional candidate for Ohio Senate.

Crossposted to RedState.

That ‘1984’ Obama ad was anti-CLINTON, right?

…because let me add my voice to that of Instapundit’s, Riehl World View’s, and Reason’s: this ad from 2008 is fraught with irony in 2010.

Fraught. “Hey! Let’s take the image of someone talking about having a dialogue with the country and calling for the support of the populace AND SMASH HER IN THE FACE WITH A HAMMER! Because that would be different.”

Moe Lane

PS: On the bright side, the phrase ‘leader principle’ appears nowhere in this portrayal of American society as a grim, corporatist wasteland requiring violent intervention in order to create a new and superior singular collective identity.


Crossposted to RedState.

Adam Powell IV to challenge Charlie Rangel (D, NY-15).

Revenge is a dish best served cold, it seems.

NEW YORK – The son of a legendary New York congressman has announced he will challenge Rep. Charles Rangel.

Assemblyman Adam Clayton Powell IV told supporters Monday it was time for new leadership in the district, which covers the heart of the city’s Harlem neighborhood.

H/T The Corner, and that’s all the time we should waste on this story of the son of the man that Rangel ousted on an anti-corruption campaign… challenging Rangel on an anti-corruption campaign. No doubt one of Rangel’s children, or at this point grandsons will arise in time to challenge Adam Powell IV in turn, and so it will continue, without end…

Alternatively, NY-15 could just elect Michel Faulkner: that would short-circuit the entire sad, sorry cycle. More on Michel here.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

So I find stuff like this funny.

If a little obscure:

Artificial Flight and Other Myths

a reasoned examination of A.F. by top birds

Over the past sixty years, our most impressive developments have undoubtedly been within the industry of automation, and many of our fellow birds believe the next inevitable step will involve significant advancements in the field of Artificial Flight.  While residing currently in the realm of science fiction, true powered, artificial flying mechanisms may be a reality within fifty years.  Or so the futurists would have us believe.  Despite the current media buzz surrounding the prospect of A.F., a critical examination of even the most basic facts can dismiss the notion of true artificial flight as not much more than fantasy.

Sue me.

#rsrh Who will be our generation’s ‘Hate Man?’

And don’t say, “All of ’em.” It doesn’t usually work out that way:

The Hate Man is probably the most colorfully oddball homeless person on Berkeley’s famously oddball Telegraph Avenue. Known as Mark Hawthorne when he was a New York Times news reporter from 1961 to 1970, Hate Man has lived mostly on the streets in Berkeley since opting out of normal society in 1986. For a man whose penchant for wearing cast-off women’s clothes and eating garbage seems a tad feral, the 73-year-old Hate Man is a surprisingly gentle, lucid conversationalist about most anything – particularly his philosophy that everyone must acknowledge that they really hate each other.

I was originally going to write “Thorazine would clear that right up, you know” – but after looking at Wikipedia I’m getting the impression that I should be name-dropping olanzapine, instead.

Via @mkhammer