EPA head to fundraise for DSCC while oil spreads.

Eating breakfast.

Priorities, folks: priorities.  Apparently Lisa Jackson figures that if Interior Dept CoS Tom Strickland could go white-water rafting while the oil spread, she can go raise money for the Democrats:

As the Obama administration struggles to contain the massive oil spill threatening the Louisiana coast, one of its top environmental officials will be the featured attraction at a fundraiser for Senate Democrats next week in Manhattan, at which donors are promised they can speak to her about their “issues of concern.”

I have an ‘issue of concern:’ the Governor of Louisiana is shouting at the federal government to sign off on emergency sand berms to keep the oil away from wetlands; and the administration is dithering. So, several questions, here:

  • When was the EPA planning to help with that?
  • Was the EPA planning to help with that at all?
  • If it’s not… why?  I mean, I can guess, but the nicest answer implies rank partisanship on Jackson’s part, and rapidly degenerates from there.  And I mean really rapidly degenerates.

Lisa Jackson can answer these at her leisure: after all, it’s not like there’s an acute ecological crisis going on right now…

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

#rsrh Rossi in, Simmons out: the implications.

Rossi in

Dino Rossi, a two-time Republican nominee for governor in Washington, is set to announce, likely on Wednesday, that he is running for Senate, according to a G.O.P. official.

…and Simmons out.

Former Connecticut Rep. Rob Simmons announced Tuesday that he is suspending his campaign for Senate, just days after he lost the state Republican Party nomination to former World Wrestling Entertainment CEO Linda McMahon.

Continue reading #rsrh Rossi in, Simmons out: the implications.

Heck, ‘Road to Nowhere’ is worth at least *2* million.

Karma.  It’s what’s for dinner.

(H/T: Hot Air Headlines) I think that you should go for two million, David Byrne. I think that you should get an immediate injunction against, or seizure of Crist’s bank account – or whatever it is that they call it. And a groveling apology. Heck, want a pony? Charlie Crist should give you a pony.

David Byrne is suing the governor of Florida, alleging that he used the Talking Heads’ 1985 single “Road to Nowhere” without permission or proper licenses.

Byrne is seeking $1 million in damages from Gov. Charlie Crist, who’s also Florida’s former Attorney General, and his senatorial campaign for use of the song earlier this year in a website and YouTube ad attacking his then-Republican primary opponent, Marco Rubio. Crist has since changed his campaign and is running as an independent candidate.

Let me also note, for the record? Charlie Crist is an independent. In-de-pen-dent. We are not responsible for him, in a very real, and legal sense.

Just wanted to make that clear.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

Battered Media Syndrome: the endgame?

(Via @jeffemanuel) It really has been a while since the last press conference, hasn’t it?

Will Barack Obama go an entire year without holding a formal news conference? He’s getting close: The president’s last full-scale session with the press was on July 22, 2009, which was 307 days ago.


In its defense, the White House says Obama answers a lot of questions from reporters, just not in the traditional news-conference setting. In fact, the president does a lot of one-on-one interviews, frequently with sympathetic reporters. But even in terms of brief question-and-answer sessions with the White House press corps, he has still done fewer than Bush or Clinton.

Byron York goes on to document all the ways that the President strives to match the Right’s public disdain for the mainstream media; rather than rehash that, I’d like to make what may be a rather startling prediction. I predict that, some time shortly after the end of this fiscal quarter, a frustrated reporter still smarting from the totally unfair chewing-out by his or her editor is going to do the journalistic (and metaphorical) equivalent of rushing the podium and smacking Robert Gibbs right in the chops.  And when that happens, the White House press room is going to then rapidly look like the time I was trapped in a crowd of twelve year olds at the Great Adventure theme park, right after New Kids on the Block canceled their concert there*.

Yes.  That ugly.

Moe Lane Continue reading Battered Media Syndrome: the endgame?

Cambriddge mispels Greak Inskription.

Gimme a break: the Daily Mail already grabbed the obvious headline.

Aristotle’s all Greek to Cambridge classicists as inscription by philosopher is misspelled on £1.3m building

If anyone should be able to get a Greek inscription right, it ought to be the Classics department at Cambridge University.

But embarrassingly for the seat of learning, an error has crept into the inscription at the entrance to the department’s new £1.3million extension.

Well, obvious headline to me. Admittedly, I’m weird. And in desperate need of more caffeine.

Obama not leading in Gulf. And this was a *surprise*?

Do you know what is the fun part of these poor reviews of Obama’s Gulf performance?

[Chris] Matthews, speaking during an appearance with Jay Leno on NBC’s “Tonight Show,” said Obama’s response “scares me. He’s been acting a little like a Vatican Observer here. When is he actually going to do something?”

[James] Carville, one of the President Bush’s harshest critics in the wake of the 2005 hurricane that decimated New Orleans, called Obama’s response “lackadaisical.”

(Via Hot Air) It’s the confused outrage.  Matthews’ I can understand; the talking head is not after all expected to be observant.  But Carville’s usually not this dumb, so his befuddlement at the White House’s passivity is particularly enjoyable. Continue reading Obama not leading in Gulf. And this was a *surprise*?

I am pleased to announce that I am now on the grid.

I am now doing for RedState/Eagle Publishing… precisely what I was doing before; only now it’s as a pro, not an amateur.  Requests for details of my arrangement with Eagle will be ignored, cheerfully; but I feel comfortable enough admitting that they successfully managed to avoid giving me a pony as part of the deal.

Moe Lane

PS: For the record (also, it sparked my decision to write this post): Paul Krugman’s complaints about Tea Partiers working for corporations would have a good deal more bite to them if he wasn’t himself an enthusiastic corporate worker.  I just felt that I should bring that up.  Somebody’s got to stand up for corporations, seeing as Krugman’s being too hypocritical about his own career path to do it himself…

Crossposted to RedState.