#rsrh We still have a Bureau of Indian Affairs?

We still have a Bureau of Indian Affairs.  That’s… kind of fascinating, given that the BIA was easily one of the most corrupt, least-funded, incompetent-at-best and downright-vile-at-worst, self-serving, venal, and generally petty government institutions in American bureaucratic history.  You’d think that liberals with a nice, healthy historical grudge would have formally killed, skinned, and mounted the thing thirty years ago.

Ach, well.  Want something done right, don’t ask the Left to do it…

Moe Lane

PS: As to using “Geronimo” for the bin Laden operation?  Nothing personal, folks, but the original Geronimo was a terrorist himself: he was a killer, and fairly deliberately killed in gruesome and vicious ways in order to scare his enemies.  In this he was not unusual.  I got nothing against the modern Apache tribe – my own ancestors were howling bloodfeud-happy savages and thieves who took enemy’s heads and used dried-up human brains as slingshot-ammo; I can’t really comment on what other people’s distant antecedents got up to – but their ancestors were fairly nasty.

Oh, well. It’s almost all outside living memory at this point.

4 thoughts on “#rsrh We still have a Bureau of Indian Affairs?”

  1. Couldn’t they just govern themselves? They are adults, after all. Why are we still doing this Great White Father nonsense?

  2. “my own ancestors were howling bloodfeud-happy savages and thieves who took enemy’s heads and used dried-up human brains as slingshot-ammo;…”
    Really? I’m not familiar with that practice. What people was that?

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