New Romney Ad: “Bump in the road.”

It’s strong; I thought that it might have been a bit long before watching, but there’s nothing in there that doesn’t need to be.  Mitt Romney‘s campaign came up with a good one, here.  One with a theme that should be repeated by the eventual candidate, at every opportunity.

Via Jim Geraghty. Transcript (via email; no link, sorry) after the fold: note that the transcript doesn’t include the signs, which give a pretty good cross-section of the victims of this horrible economy that President Obama and his Democratic party has been inflicting on the rest of us (from either 2009 or 2007, depending on how you’re scoring things).  Granted, they’re also inflicting it on themselves – but then again, it’s their fault in the first place, so I’m not feeling entirely obliged to be upset on their behalf.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

Video Text: “Millions Have Lost Their Jobs Under President Obama”

Video Text: “Long Term Unemployment Is Now Worse Than The Great Depression”

Video Text: “June 3, 2011 Unemployment Hit 9.1%”

Video Text: “President Obama Called It A Bump In The Road”

President Obama (audio): “There are always going to be bumps on the road to recovery.”

Mark: “I’m an American, not a bump in the road.”

Derrick: “I’m an American, not a bump in the road.”

Melissa: “I’m an American, not a bump in the road.”

Jessica: “I’m an American, not a bump in the road.”

Jerry: “I’m an American, not a bump in the road.”

Kevin: “I’m an American, not a bump in the road.”

American Family: “We are Americans, not bumps in the road.”

Matt: “I’m an American, not a bump in the road.”

Dustin: “I’m an American, not a bump in the road.”

Shirley: “I am an American, not a bump in the road.”

Ryan: “I’m an American, not a bump in the road.”

Jason: “I’m an American, not a bump in the road.”

Group: “I’m an American, not a bump in the road.”

Video Text: “BELIEVE IN AMERICA November 6, 2012.”

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