As follows:
- If you see a piece of art, and your first reaction is to launch into a heated criticism of the artist (either his technical skills or his personality) who created it, you probably do not respect the power of the original artwork’s message.
- If you see a piece of art, and your first reaction is to launch into a heated criticism of the artwork itself, then you probably do respect the power of its message, whether you are prepared to admit it or not.
- Artists typically prefer it when all criticisms are portrayed as being part of the second bullet point, and never the first. Aside from everything else, it helps insulate them from societal expectations that they not be d*cks.
That’s it.
how about, you look at a piece of art and you can kinda understand what the artist is trying to do here, but find it pedestrian and kinda banal? Not worth even a heated discussion.
Or it looks more like an exercise in design than an emotional statement of art. Nothing wrong with design but generally it’s a bit different beastie.