10 thoughts on “Traveling today…”

  1. NNNNOOOO!!! This was supposed to be the end of the internet blogging diaspora! The voices in my head promised me!

  2. Ahh, the joyful holiday season gastroenteritis. It is a rare Christmas that someone in the family doesn’t get it.

  3. You never had any little ones, @BigGator5? The expulsion of various bodily substances (from both ends) pretty much comes with the territory.

  4. “That was an astounding amount of upchuck that my youngest just did.” Pics or it didn’t happen.

  5. Children are born with some sort of digestive tract food modulator/extrapolator/transmogrifier that exponentially expands all things ingested. Neil Tyson said so. I think. I’ll go check youtube. BRB

  6. “Ahh, the joyful holiday season gastroenteritis.”

    About eight years ago, Thanksgiving. Cruise-ship virus carried from day care to hit the entire family…

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