#rsrh Hey, you know what kills head lice pretty good?

Even these super-lice that we’re hearing about now?

DDT.  And before you tell me that you can’t keep potentially toxic substances out of the groundwater, my response is going to be: you mean, like the mercury from florescent light bulbs?  Or do the Greenies not want to have that particular conversation?

(Via Instapundit)

#rsrh The problem of/with Romney.

John Podhoretz sums it up perfectly:

Watching [Mitt Romney] try to figure out how to talk about the fact that his health-care plan forced everyone in Massachusetts to buy an insurance policy, just as Obama’s health-care plan will force everyone in America to do so, makes it clear what a relatively easy time he has had of it so far.

Such questions should have been the focus of the campaign in the summer, given Romney’s front-runner status, but there were a series of weird distractions. The debates compelled media types to spread the questions around to eight or nine people, thus allowing Romney to stay conveniently on the sidelines when he wanted to be. Meanwhile, other candidates feuded, rose and fell in the bid to be the not-Romney.

Romney did well in the debates because he couldn’t be pinned down, and knew how to escape the noose when it was dangling over him. Sitting across from Bret Baier in a Florida warehouse, he couldn’t dance around his own ideological contradictions. He was trapped, and he acted that way.

Continue reading #rsrh The problem of/with Romney.

This would be funnier…

…if I didn’t expect the repair of Steve Jobs’ upraised middle-finger-from-the-grave Siri’s abortion clinic locator ‘glitch’ to look more like this than not.  Still, this HappyPlace parody is pretty funny: not least because it (consciously or unconsciously) gets letter-perfect the profound personal insecurity of the people who were actually freaking out that their latest techno-toy couldn’t tell them where they could get an abortion on the fly.  I’d make a comment or two about the intelligence levels of people who need a fake AI to give them that information, only I’m trying to be nice this afternoon.

No, not a clue why.

Moe Lane

Via @Yousefzadeh.

But this is NOT nightmare fuel.

This is just a giant cricket eating a carrot.

Given that I am not a mobile, sentient Daucus carota sativus, I am not particularly sure why there’s all this screaming and running around and “RESCUE THE CHILDREN!” going on here.  Yes, it’s a big giant cricket; and yes, if it showed up on my pillow I would freak.  But, you know, it’s not a face-hugger or anything.

Via @iowahawk.

This morning’s nightmare fuel…

…brought to you be @jeffemanuel and @girlonmission:

THAT is reportedly a fifteen foot long, 170 diamondback rattlesnake.  I hold out hopes for it actually being a photoshopped python or something, because as it stands that’s about one arcane ritual away from being something that you’d have to call in a professional to handle.  As it is, you’d get XP for that one.

Hey, good news! They’re finally going to bring Starship Troopers…

to the big screen!

This is really cool: I’ve always been a fan of Bob Heinlein’s original book – and I liked both X-Men: First Class and Thor*, so I have some faint hope that getting the writers of those two movies’ screenplays to do the adaptation for this one might mean that Hollywood won’t totally mess this up.  Admittedly, it’s going to be hard; which is probably why they’ve never done a Starship Troopers movie before now.

What?  Oh, no, there’s never been a Starship Troopers movie.

Perhaps I was unclear.


Glad that we’ve cleared that up.

Moe Lane

*Would have been better as a miniseries, though.

These are not really TRUE ‘Bin Laden Buns.’

Despite what the bakers in Malawi might think.

Naming a product after the world’s most notorious terrorist may not seem like a surefire route to commercial success.

For bakers in the Malawian city of Blantyre, however, this marketing ploy is helping to reel in customers while ensuring that their produce has an unmistakeable identity.

“We make bin Laden buns,” said Mahomed Hanif Valimamade, co-owner of a patisserie within the city named the Portuguese Bakery.

How do I know this?  Simple: if they were TRUE bin Laden buns, they would each have two holes in one end and be covered in sea salt.

(Via Hot Air Headlines)

Moe Lane (crosspost)

PS: You could probably make a decent  BLT out of one of these, though.

San Francisco Weekly: Covenant Copperheads*?

(Via AoSHQ): Here’s what we in the business call a pro-tip for SF Weekly Blog gun-grabber Joe Eskenazi: if you want to write a post that can be summed up as Owner of legal firearms plans to sue pig-ignorant Californian law enforcement officials for false arrests and temporary confiscation of said legal firearms, go right ahead.

But, for the love of God: if you’re going to try to scare your readers by showing them a chart of those terrifying devil boom-sticks known as ‘assault weapons’…

…use real ones, dumb[expletive deleted].  I don’t even play Halo and I recognized it as being from a game on sight.

Moe Lane

*I don’t know whether to brag about that headline, or apologize for it.

#rsrh We’ll give Artur Davis a couple more years.

To formally convert to the GOP, that is.  Partially because Artur Davis probably wants the time anyway; and partially because (and here I speak from personal experience) it takes time to reconfigure one’s basic partisan identification.  While your principles shouldn’t change when you switch political parties – and neither should your worldview – there is usually a whole list of damfool notions that you no longer have to grit your teeth, smile, and nod about; and it takes time to go through that list and cheerfully discard them all*.

But that’s OK: It’s going to be a couple of years before the next statewide elections in Alabama anyway.  Plenty of time for a proper realignment.

Moe Lane

*Unkind people will mutter that you instead have to memorize a whole new list of damfool notions to grit their teeth, smile, and nod about.  But I’m sure that I have no idea what those people are talking about…