New’s Year in a couple of hours.

Right now I’m just waiting to see whether the sleeping kid with the cough is going to turn into the crying kid with the ear infection – ah, the glamorous life of the right-wing political blogger – so while we’re waiting for 2011 to end, let me offer two toasts.

The first is my traditional one offered whenever a bunch of RedState writers are present: Confusion to our enemies! – God knows it’s not hard.

The second is new: To 2012! …Now go get yer war paint on.

Moe Lane

#rsrh 20 years ago today the filthy Soviet Communist Empire…

finally breathed its last, fetid breath and expired. It died like the cowardly dog that it was, by the way: there was whimpering and begging and quite a lot of screaming before the nasty little thing puked up its last black heart’s-blood and died in a pool of its own waste products. Afterward, Ronald Reagan, Maggie Thatcher, and Pope John Paul II – the three world leaders most responsible for gutting the Beast – all went out and had a beer.

And they laughed. Oh, how they laughed at the way that the Bolshevik regime collapsed like a cheap cardboard display…
Continue reading #rsrh 20 years ago today the filthy Soviet Communist Empire…

My predictions thread for 2012.

Yeah, I have a mediocre record at best at these, so ignore as you please. Anyway:

1). I am not going to predict the Republican nominee and how he or she is going to get the nomination; but he or she will beat Barack Obama in November.

2). Not at all unrelatedly, neither the economy nor the unemployment rate will improve all that much between now and November.

3). The Republicans will retain the House, but will lose seats.

4). The Republicans will retake the Senate.

5). The US Supreme Court will declare the individual mandate to be unconstitutional, but not throw out Obamacare entirely.

6). The Syrian regime will collapse. Messily.

7). There will be a ‘shakeup’ in the Iranian regime. And a lot of ‘car accidents.’

8). A liberal Supreme Court Justice will retire. Hijinks ensue.

9). Mass Effect 3 will come out, and Not Suck. Despite the fact that there will be bitter recriminations that the Thing That Had To Have Been In There For It Not To Suck Wasn’t Actually In There.

10). The same will be true of The Hobbit, Part I. Both sentences.

VA AG Cuccinelli to fix primary ballot mess. [UPDATE]

[FURTHER UPDATE] Drudge is not reporting that Perry/Gringrich are on the ballot; but Bachmann, Gingrich, Huntsman, and Santorum have joined Perry’s lawsuit.

The Attorney General of Virginia “plans to file emergency legislation to address the inability of most Republican presidential candidates to get their names on the ballot;” as everyone reading this already knows, the recent Virginia primary ratification process ended up with only Mitt Romney and Ron Paul getting on the ballot. Newt Gingrich and Rick Perry had too many of their signatures invalidated by the process; the other candidates didn’t even try. As I understand the situation, emergency legislation will require a super-majority in the state (well, Commonwealth) legislature; but the fact that Cuccinelli is already getting bipartisan backup (and the reported support of the Governor) suggests that such a thing may be actually achievable.
Continue reading VA AG Cuccinelli to fix primary ballot mess. [UPDATE]

Occupy Charlotte burns the American flag.

Yeah, I know: “Occupy WHO?” Still, there are people out there who take the dirty hippie wannabees seriously, so every so often there needs to be a refresher post. In this case, the aforementioned dirty hippie wannabees managed to illegally* burn an American flag and got arrested for it. With the Occupiers screaming epithets about fascists all the while.

Mind you, the geniuses were apparently doing the burning in the middle of their own squatters’ encampment. Which suggests that ‘fascist’ is semantically equivalent to ‘not willing to let dirty hippie wannabes auto-darwinate** themselves and their ilk;’ and before you renounce the ‘fascist’ label hereby, consider that permitting these idiots to immolate themselves would result in a very nasty cleanup job for some poor sanitation workers. To say nothing of the paperwork.

(Via Power Line, via Instapundit)

Moe Lane (crosspost)

Continue reading Occupy Charlotte burns the American flag.

#rsrh CA Greenhouse gas law fast-tracked for USSC overthrow.

I’m assuming that, you understand: but, given that portions of said law have just been declared unconstitutional (live by the Commerce Clause, DIE BY IT, ye progressives) by a federal judge; and given that it’s about to hit the 9th Circuit Circus, which means that it’ll be overturned on appeal; and given that the reason why we in this business call it the “9th Circus” in the first place is because the Supremes always seem to have to swoop in and smack them around a bit… well. It’s not the most unreasonable assumption in the world.

Via Twitter (annoyingly, it’s hard to properly link to there on the iPad).

A PSA for former Rep Artur Davis.

Rep. Davis is, of course, the former Democratic candidate for AL-GOV who lost his primary when it turned out that Alabama Democrats actually weren’t ready to vote for an African-American for a statewide race. He’s since then been reassessing his options, but seems to be under a misapprehension:

Davis also suggested running as a Republican might be a viable option, but said that the Alabama Republican Party has declined to embrace politicians who have switched parties. He noted that party-switching former congressman Parker Griffith was defeated in a GOP primary last year after leaving the Democratic Party.

Continue reading A PSA for former Rep Artur Davis.

#rsrh There’s something that you don’t see every day.

Palestinian riot police sent in to break up an Orthodox/Armenian Christian clerical riot in Bethlehem.

At least, as Lowering the Bar put it, “I’m going to believe that unless shown otherwise, because that would mean this story involved Muslim cops having to keep the peace between two groups of Christians trying to kill each other due to religious fanaticism.”

Mind you, those two groups of clerics did not really have a broomstick-wielding brawl over the cleaning duties at the Church of the Navitity. No, those two groups of clerics had brawl because they’ve been brawling for roughly a millenium and a half by now, usually with cudgels – and, hey! Brother Demetrios was right: the heads to these brooms pop right off.

Seriously, look up the term “Monophysite” sometimes. There’s a history here, I’m saying. Heck, there’s a tradition.