More accurately, as I noted privately the other day, Rush Limbaugh served up a combined “Sorry if you were offended” and “It was a joke.” David Axelrod should be familiar with these species of non-apology apologies, seeing as the Democrats are quite fond of both. Not that any of this is particularly my problem, since the last time I checked Limbaugh wasn’t running the Republican party, Axelr0d et al‘s tired rhetoric to the contrary.
That includes, pretty specifically, me not caring if anybody else has a problem with this not being particularly my problem. Take it up with Rush Limbaugh, assuming that you can even get his attention…
Moe Lane
PS: Yes, yes, yes, the GOP is doomed in November because of this. Tell you what, Nostradamus: since you can tell the future so well then you can just leave me a comment telling me Wednesday’s Powerball numbers. Sixty million bucks buys a lot of credibility when it comes to claims of reliable precognition.
No, really, Powerball numbers or nothing. Let’s get some quantifiable evidence for a change.
4 20 12 8 22 51
On the Powerball game stick with numbers 10 thru 14 for the powerball, with 11 being optimal. The other numbers tend to be to random for easy prediction.
I just used 2012, Obama’s Birthday, the date of the next innaugaration and Obama’s age. Clearly there were better things I could have been doing with my time.