8 thoughts on “#wirecall “WHAT DOES DEM-DESPERATION LOOK LIKE?” #rsrh”

  1. I liked the link after the article about the man protesting the all you can eat fish fry. They cut him off at 20 pieces, so he came back with picket signs.

  2. Reminds me of Homer Simpson – the all you can eat seafood place.

    Moe – you are the master of finding hard-to-find videos. Maybe you can post that one particular episode, or the snippet of it I’m referring to (I’m sure you know which episode).

  3. Homer at the Frying Dutchman: ep 67.

    “is that the actions of a man who at all he could eat?”

  4. Offtopic– how close do you live to Thurmont MD, Moe? The Other McCain is reporting that the G-8 summit is going to be there, 15 miles from where he lives. Figured I’d give you a heads-up in case problems there cause local problems for you.

  5. I think it’s unintentionally a great get out the vote campaign for Walker.

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