#rsrh Patterico talks about the attempt on his life.

It is, indeed, ‘bone-chilling’ reading.

It’s a phone call that could have gotten me killed.

In this post you will hear that audio clip. You will also read about a months-long campaign of harassment carried out by at least three individuals: Ron Brynaert, Neal Rauhauser, and Brett Kimberlin — much of it directed at critics of Brett Kimberlin. This harassment includes repeated references to critics’ family members, workplace complaints, publication of personal information such as home addresses and pictures of residences, bogus allegations of criminal activity, whisper campaigns, frivolous legal actions, and frivolous State Bar complaints.

And finally, you will hear a comparison of one of those men’s voices to that of the man who made the call that sent police to my home. And you’ll read a declaration from a forensic audio expert comparing those two voices.

Charming people we have out there, huh? – Also: if you want more details about this story, just do the rounds of your favorite right-blogs today. Trust me; you’ll get an eyeful.

The tragedy of Marion Barry.

(H/T: AoSHQ) To wit: by now he’s a known walking rhetorical disaster, so nobody actually relies on him for anything.

At a news conference after the meeting, [Marion] Barry and several Asian American leaders sought to present a united front, saying that the dialogue is an important step toward defusing long-standing tension between blacks and Asians. Asked about the underlying sources of the conflict, Barry said the United States “has had racial tensions since it was founded.”

“The Irish caught hell, the Jews caught hell, the P[*]lacks caught hell,” Barry said, invoking a word that Polish people have viewed as disparaging. “We want Ward 8 to be the model of diversity.”

It’s so… wasteful, frankly.

#rsrh Credit where it’s due to the View…

…yeah, I’m going to get people shaking their fingers at me for saying that.

(H/T Hot Air) Anyway, credit where it’s due to the View: they handled their response to Larry Flynt’s latest tired outrage (creating an obscene fake picture of conservative commentator SE Cupp) about as well as anybody could have expected them to.

Continue reading #rsrh Credit where it’s due to the View…

You know, when you’re a political junkie…

…like I am – and like the folks at Hot Air are – you need stuff like this every so often.


Not that it’s a good ad; it’s actually a horrible one.  But it seeks out new and exciting ways to be horrible, which is… refreshing.  Heck, it almost made me forget that there is no such thing as a conservative Democratic politician, and that this Jeff Barth fellow would of course immediately line up behind Nancy Pelosi’s crony agenda (assuming that he actually survives the primary, and likewise survives the general election).


Moe Lane

PS: It needs hardly be said, but I will anyway: Kristi Noem for SD-AL.  It is a measure of the current election cycle that her seat is not considered to be particularly at risk, mind you…

#rsrh Did Jesse Kelly BET somebody that Ron Barber wouldn’t support Obama?

Normally I’d just update this post but… watch the clip (via Hot Air Headlines) from the Kelly/Barber AZ-08 debate:

At the end there – right after Ron Barber refuses to admit that he’s voting for Obama – Jesse Kelly holds up what looks like some cash in seeming response, complete with a Yeah, I called this look-around.  Which – if true; it may be significant of something else – was pretty prophetic of Kelly, honestly.

Moe Lane Continue reading #rsrh Did Jesse Kelly BET somebody that Ron Barber wouldn’t support Obama?

…They’re remaking Total Recall?


Seriously, why?

I’m not even offended; I just don’t get the point.  As Do Gooder Press notes, this is clearly not “We Can Remember It For You Wholesale” – which is fine; I liked the story, but it’s not really good action movie fodder.  And we already have a perfectly serviceable action movie called Total Recall.  Why bother doing a remake?

#rsrh Ace of AoSHQ is vicious towards Levi Johnson.

Brutally accurate, mind you. Not to mention, Johnson deserves it.

Moe Lane

PS: One observation… I do not like the way that the Democratic Establishment creates convenient surrogates for proxy attacks against the Right, only to discard said surrogates the moment that the attacks are no longer required. These are people; messed-up people, but still people. They are not disposable soda cans.

Just saying, man.

Ron Barber (D CAND, AZ-08) refused to say whether he’d vote for Barack Obama in November.

Spoiler warning: he will.

Apparently, Ron Barber – the Democrat running to replace Gabby Giffords in the AZ-08 special election – has a bit of a problem with the entire ‘Democrat’ thing:  “[Republican nominee Jesse] Kelly asked Barber to declare who he’ll vote for in November for president, and Barber – although a Democrat with an incumbent president of his party – refused, saying he’s focused on his own campaign.”  This is a somewhat eyebrow-raising evasion – one would think that a Democrat currently running in a Democratic-held seat with a Democrat in the White House would be less coy – and it tells us several things: Continue reading Ron Barber (D CAND, AZ-08) refused to say whether he’d vote for Barack Obama in November.