#rsrh It’s the *reaction* to this piece on George W Bush that’s hysterical.

The piece itself?  Straightforward.  George W Bush is out of the White House, he’s danged cheerful about that, he’s finding it refreshing to be out of the spotlight, and hey, he’s been doing oil painting lately.  I’m gathering that it’s restful.  In short… George W Bush did what a lot of people on the Left loudly demanded: he went away*.

And they hate him for it. There’s perhaps less vituperative comments on the Boston Herald article than I expected (I’m less surprised at the general lack of asinine comments on [H/T] Ann Althouse’s post), but they lack in quantity they make up for in sheer affronted whining.  How dare Bush be happy!  Doesn’t he understand how important it is that Bush play the role that the Left has always demanded of him?  And how dare he not be there for them to scream about in 2012!  Barack Obama needs him to be there!

…how is barack obama going to win if he doesnt have bush there…


*No, the occasional speech – or article about it – doesn’t count.  The man was President for eight years.  There’s a floor to how far out of the public eye you can get.

#rsrh Barack Obama whips Dianne Feinstein back into line.

Of course I meant the subtext, Sparky.

Well, that didn’t take long: Barack Obama’s campaign went out and smacked around yet another Democrat who made the mistake of thinking that their criticism of Dear Leader would be tolerated, let alone welcomed.  Background: yesterday Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein made a perfectly obvious observation; to with, that this administration leaks like a sieve (hey, if you don’t believe me, maybe you’ll believe the New York Times)  Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney used the Senator’s comments to hammer President Barack Obama today at the VFW convention.  Presumably one or two rubber hose sessions later, the Senator is now falling all over herself to repudiate her earlier comments, and is just horrified to hear that that awful Mitt Romney used her complaint that the Obama administration leaks critical national security information to… complain that the Obama administration leaks critical national security information.

Mitt Romney’s people are calling this the “Cory Booker treatment,” and it’s hard to argue with their logic.  Although certainly Obama apologists will certainly try.  Honestly, you’d think that a political party whose favorite swearword is ‘fascist’ would be a little less prone towards such a grimly determined endorsement of the Leader Principle, but then I suppose that’s what happens when your intellectual theoretical framework is dedicated towards finding new and exciting ways to lie to people. Continue reading #rsrh Barack Obama whips Dianne Feinstein back into line.

So, basically, it’s a digital aquarium.

An e-quarium?

In real-time.

I don’t know why that’s weird, but it is.  Maybe because it’s one of those things that people from the Sixties figured that we’d do with radio-televisors, once we had them.  I’m so used to folks getting the exact flavor of the future shock wrong that when they actually do call something it’s a bit… off…

#rsrh MSNBC’s Wardrobe Department is scarily impressive.

I mean: how the hell did they get that vulture into that suit?

The guy talking to said vulture, by the way, is spot-on about how focusing on Schumckles the Clown and not his victims elevates the former at the expense of pretty much everybody else. The subtext of Your attempt to make Barack Obama look good embarrasses everybody in the universe, Sparky.  Including Barack Obama was pretty clear, too.

Via Hot Air.

#rsrh Nanny Bloomberg calls for police anarchy.

You know, I understand that a few asses out there actually seem to have thought that Mayor Mikey Bloomberg would make a good fit for the Republican ticket. Thankfully, Bloomberg seems to have decided to shut that door. And the door for the Democratic party too.

Ed Morrissey’s response is pretty much mine; the next time I see him, I’ll have to ask Ed how me managed not to pepper his text with several appropriate, pungent, Anglo-Saxon expletives.

Moe Lane

PS: I don’t care if the NY GOP can’t find anything better than a third-stage syphilitic [INSERT LEAST FAVORITE JOB DESCRIPTION HERE]; keep this idiot off of the Republican line next time.

Romney to use Feinstein as a natsec club with which to beat Obama at the VFW convention.

It’s funny.

Squint, and you can see where the Obama administration has messed up its national security leak problem to the point where Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein (up for re-election, by the way) feels the need to criticize said administration for its feckless, juvenile, and callous disregard for proper security and the need to put the country above petty partisan advantage*.  Background: Sen. Feinstein was asked a question about the recent national security origins of leaks, and apparently** whether they were coming from the executive branch itself.  Her response?

“I am aware of that, I think that’s a correct analysis,” said Feinstein, chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee. “I think the White House has to understand that some of this is coming from its ranks. I don’t know specifically where, but I think they have to begin to understand that and do something about it…”

Look at it with fully-open eyes, though, and you risk being blinded.  Or, as Jim Geraghty helpfully (if not explicitly) notes, blindsided – which is what the Obama administration is having happening to them today at the VFW convention.  Mitt Romney is running with this at his own speech.  From Romney’s prepared remarks: Continue reading Romney to use Feinstein as a natsec club with which to beat Obama at the VFW convention.

This is rapidly turning into one of those *annoying* mornings…

…where I am stuck dealing with the fallout of stuff that legitimately ain’t my fault.  Annoying at best; bouncing-a-spoon-off-a-forehead-worthy, at worst.

So.  Here, via @jstrevino: Crecy, by Warren Ellis.  I took one look at the previews for this sucker (N.S.F.W.) and ordered it on the spot.  Looks pretty effing awesome, in its way.

#rsrh Oh, I don’t think that Obama *hates* black people, @instapundit. Per *se*.

I instead think that Barack Obama just doesn’t take them all that seriously.  The VFW, on the other hand?  That group has votes that Barack Obama needs to have back; that’s why he went to the VFW convention, even though he didn’t go to the NAACP’s.

As for the doing this so openly, without explanation and/or apology?  Well, that’s just Barack Obama’s casual contempt towards black people.  Which is not really the same as hate, although a lot of people tend to get it wrong.

(Via, obviously, Instapundit.)

Moe Lane