#rsrh Swedish leftists suddenly discover the utility of marriage.

Specifically: inheritances.

Executive summary: guy writes some books. Guy is living with woman for decades, but they didn’t get married because of that entire “bourgeois morality” thing (the couple were Commies, of course).  Guy dies before books are published.  Books are a success; sales go through the roof.  Sweden apparently doesn’t have common law marriage, so woman gets nothing from estate.  Lawsuits ensue.  It’s all very tawdry, and everybody’s insisting that it’s not about the money, which means: it’s all about the money.

Anyway, I was going to give an elaborate analysis of this situation, but I have a better idea.  Mrs. Knowles-Carter, if you would?

Thank you, madam.

Moe Lane

Via Instapundit.

#RSRH Breaking: @DWSTweets’ reportedly desperate lieing about Priorities USA.

UPDATE: The video…

“Do you deny that [Priority USA are] Democrats?”

“I have no idea of the political affiliation of folks who are associated with that Super PAC.”

annnnnnd the desperate attempts at walking back:

Actually, Debbie: you were trying to get away with throwing mud in public without staining your own garments.  Doesn’t work, of course.

Continue reading #RSRH Breaking: @DWSTweets’ reportedly desperate lieing about Priorities USA.

#rsrh Will this be the 2012 Romney/Ryan map?

Lots of people talking about Wisconsin and whether or not it’s in play.  Truth be told, I don’t know: the WI GOP is pretty freaking hardcore these days, but the Democrats will pour whatever it takes to keep that firewall*.  And this map is why:

(Via 270toWin.com)

The above is the Democrats Midwest Collapse nightmare scenario: it represents the Republicans running the table in that region.  I personally think that we’re good in Indiana, will be good in Iowa, and probably be good in Ohio… but if Wisconsin flips then Michigan probably won’t be too far behind. And note that if that happens it doesn’t matter at all what happens in Virginia, Colorado, and/or New Hampshire.

My basic take on this: this pick does not guarantee the Midwest for the Republicans, but it does guarantee that the Democrats are going to have to put resources into yet another geographical region.  Resources that they may end up not having.

Moe Lane

Continue reading #rsrh Will this be the 2012 Romney/Ryan map?

Paul Ryan’s prepared remarks.

[UPDATE] I just got sent this.

If you missed the speech, that was a shame: nice balance of positive sentiments, and fully-deserved scorn for this current, quite feckless and incompetent administration. I’ll put up the video itself when it’s available; the text of it is below the fold, and is from here. One thing that won’t come through is that Ryan knows how to react to a crowd; couple that with his legendary command of budgetary issues, and you end up with a pretty darn good VP pick, there. In fact, to expand on a thought that I had on Twitter earlier, this pick puts the Democrats in a bit of a situation. They typically prefer to run on a campaign where their opponents are Evil and Dumb, but this simply won’t work this time; it will, in fact, get them laughed off of the stage. So it’s going to just be all Evil, all the time… and that won’t make happy the Obama voters who genuinely thought that they were voting for a nice guy in 2009.

Game on.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

Continue reading Paul Ryan’s prepared remarks.