Mass Effect: Leviathan coming out August 28th.

$10 bucks, at least two new boards, some back story… with any luck I’ll get some more resources for my second (and probably final) endgame.  I’ve been holding out for it.

Moe Lane

PS: Best reaction EVER, from the comments here: “I really hope there are no Firaxan Sharks down there.”

PS: You know what would be cool? A strategic game set during the Alliance-Turian war.

On that potentially troublesome Cook County poll.

Well, troublesome for Barack Obama.

The Daily Caller reported on a poll today that gave a rather remarkable result: it showed Barack Obama ahead of Mitt Romney 49 to 37… in Cook County, Illinois: which of course includes the City of Chicago.  Being under 50% in what can be considered the ultimate Democratic stronghold is not good news for the President.  In 2008 Cook County went for Obama over McCain 67/32; in 2010 it went for Quinn over Brady 54/40… which helped make the difference from Obama’s blowout 62/37 win statewide in 2008, and Quinn’s squeaker 47/46 win in 2010.  Put another way: if this poll is accurate, Obama’s got trouble in Illinois.

Since this report has been making the rounds of the Internet, I thought that I’d look into it a bit.  It turns out the poll comes from McKeon & Associates, which has been polling in Illinois since at least the 1980s.  A quick call to Michael McKeon got me access to the poll itself, which I’ll be talking about after the fold.

Continue reading On that potentially troublesome Cook County poll.

#rsrh QotD, @JakeTapper Salvages His Honor edition.

Background: The President ran into the press briefing (technically, his first in several months) unannounced today, threw out – or up – a few slams at Mitt Romney, graciously allowed himself to be asked about Missouri Republican Senate candidate Todd Akin, then ran out of the briefing again like the jackrabbit that Obama has become*.  On the President’s way out the door, Jake Tapper reportedly called to Obama’s back:

“Don’t be a stranger!”

I’m going to give Jake style points for that, at least.  To be fair, the entire thing was the media equivalent of a drive-by shooting, and I’m a fair-minded man.  I don’t know if I would have done better, under similar circumstances…

Moe Lane

*Delicacy, of course, prevents me from speculating whether that particular transformation is perhaps regretted by any of the people in Barack Obama’s life…

#rsrh Forbes asks: is Joe Biden… neurological?

They say “Maybe.” Hot Air says “Joe has always been like that.” I say “I can get away with making the long-distance diagnosis that Joe Biden is failing mentally because I’m a partisan political hack and NOBODY will take my diagnosis seriously*. But if you’re a doctor, aren’t there professional ethics involved, here?”

I think that covers it.

Moe Lane

*And nobody should.  Despite the fact that I’m right, and Joe Biden is failing mentally.  I know that’s a paradox, sorry; I’m not sure how to describe this thought in English.

#rsrh More good advice from Mickey Kaus that Barack Obama will ignore.

This time, on welfare reform; specifically, Obama’s passive-aggressive gutting of same.  Unfortunately for Mickey, the President probably likes the way that the rules are being gut-shot in slow-motion (how’s that for a mixed metaphor?); sure, it takes longer this way, but you can’t ever really put the finger on any one person responsible.  Particularly the President, which is the whole point of the exercise.

Hey, I’m just the messenger, here.  I can cheerfully wait for as long as it takes for Mickey to admit that the party left him.

(Via Instapundit)

#rsrh IS Henry Waxman eligible to run in CA? …ehh, who cares?

It’s not like there’s a Republican running to oppose him, anyway.

(Via Instapundit)

Moe Lane

PS: No, actually I looked at the guy’s site.  I could tolerate a stealth Republican who went indy because political reality requires it; there are some places where George Washington couldn’t win if he was on the Republican ticket.  But Waxman’s opponent hates the national party almost as much as Henry Waxman does; so if he thinks that he can win on that platform, well, good luck with that.  The man doesn’t want my help, right?

So.  Jailbreaking.  This is a thing? …I ask because…

So.  Jailbreaking.  This is a thing? …I ask because it’s apparently dead simple to get a jailbroken iPad to recognize a Bluetooth mouse, and I have been at war with Apple over its user assumptions since the day I pulled my iPad out of its shipping container.  I will choose what I am going to do with my electronic equipment, not some corporation in California; and if my view of the end result differs from Apple’s, that’s their failure of imagination, not mine.