#rsrh More good advice from Mickey Kaus that Barack Obama will ignore.

This time, on welfare reform; specifically, Obama’s passive-aggressive gutting of same.  Unfortunately for Mickey, the President probably likes the way that the rules are being gut-shot in slow-motion (how’s that for a mixed metaphor?); sure, it takes longer this way, but you can’t ever really put the finger on any one person responsible.  Particularly the President, which is the whole point of the exercise.

Hey, I’m just the messenger, here.  I can cheerfully wait for as long as it takes for Mickey to admit that the party left him.

(Via Instapundit)

Texas is a state of mind.

This post by Mickey Kaus, on how the Texan mindset colors Texan attitudes towards certain aspect of illegal immigration?  From what I’ve seen from working with and talking to Texans, there is indeed a certain point there.  While I consider actual secession fears to be insanely overblown monster-under-the-bed walking nightmares at best and cynical attempts to go after conservatives at worst, the truth is that Texans have an extremely strong regional self-identity.

It’s also kind of infectious, which possibly Mickey should have gotten into more.  Although I don’t know how easy it is to get other Texans to agree that you’ve become one…

Moe Lane

#rsrh The Kaus is cruel. (With additional netroot desperation!)

Mind you, Mickey is going to be cruel every time a labor union cries; that man is one of the most stubborn Democrats that I’ve ever seen, and I’m from a Boston Irish Catholic background.

Extra points for Mickey’s link to dKos’s we-totally-won-and-I-hate-grapes-anyway post; I normally wouldn’t link over there, but watching Moulitsas be desperate enough to try to actually recruit a Wisconsin Republican Senator to the losing side has a certain raddled charm to it.  Besides, it’s going to be darned difficult to laugh at those people today if I don’t throw some of them links…

Moe Lane

PS: There’s another round of recalls next week.  Us winning there too will help us rack up a nice score.

Mickey Kaus, Barack Obama, and ‘Humanitarian Imperialism.’

Or, the President embraces his inner Victorian British Imperialist.

“Humanitarian imperialism” is the phrase Mickey’s come up with to describe Whatever The Heck It Is We’re Doing These Days In Eurasia, and it’s a good one.  It’s also one that implies a constant, low-level state of war that goes a good deal beyond the one that we’re in now; and I should make a distinction here between the Bush and the (unstated) Obama Doctrines.  The Bush Doctrine assumed that, under the right conditions, a long-term war could be over: “as they stand up we will stand down,” and all that.  The Obama Doctrine – as described by Mickey – assumes that war will be what he called ‘routinized’ – and accepted, as part of the cost of doing what is pretty explicitly Imperial business.  And by Imperial Mickey explicitly means something very, very Victorian, which is ironic on a variety of levels.

Mickey is practically unique among Democratic pundits for being willing to actually give his honest opinion about things like this:

I’m not sure whether humanitarian imperialism is a good or bad thing. The world might be a distinctly better place overall if the U.N. could overthrow every dictatorship the Security Council could muster a majority to overthrow. But the accompanying  routinization of war is at least troubling, no?

My major (practical) problem with Humanitarian Imperialism?  I trust only about half of our political class to not utterly mess up such a thing from the get-go, and unfortunately it’s not the half that’s currently in charge of the executive branch.  But since my opinion on that is apparently irrelevant for the next two to six years, we might as do it properly.  Now, I know that my readers are mostly conservative and/or Republicans, which means that they can be expected to have at least a nodding familiarity with the classics of Western literature. For those who are neither, well: allow me to acquaint them with who is apparently the true author of Obama’s current “foreign policy.” Take it away, Rudyard Kipling:

Take up the White Man’s burden–
Send forth the best ye breed–
Go bind your sons to exile
To serve your captives’ need;
To wait in heavy harness,
On fluttered folk and wild–
Your new-caught, sullen peoples,
Half-devil and half-child. Continue reading Mickey Kaus, Barack Obama, and ‘Humanitarian Imperialism.’

#rsrh Anti-labor Democrats? HAH!

I agree with Mickey Kaus on one thing: people like that aren’t Republicans, Lefty agitprop peddlers to the contrary.  But progressives in California who are fighting public sector unions aren’t fighting them because public sector unions are bloated ticks on the backside of the American economy.  No, they’re fighting them because there’s not enough for both progressives and the aforementioned bloated ticks.  These guys  would happily go back to the old cash-for-votes deal if only the treasury wasn’t so bare.

Put another way, this is all just strictly business.  Nothing personal.

#rsrh On the lame duck session.

There was a Mickey Kaus / Dave Weigel twitter exchange on the likelihood of an amnesty gambit lame-duck session: Mickey thinks it’s likely, Weigel not so much.  Personally, I think that it’s not, for one specific reason: there are a lot of Democratic Senators who will be sweating 2012 as it is, because they aren’t precisely in a position where any remaining, lingering popularity of the President’s will necessarily rub off on them (hi, Senator Webb!).  You think that conservative activists can hold a grudge for two years?

Yeah: fortunately or unfortunately, so do those Senators.

But I could be wrong.

#rsrh Letting Other People Do It: Stimulus edition.

I am so incredibly glad that the CA primary is over: I can link to Mickey Kaus again.  I think that I’ve mentioned it before, but I wasn’t willing to risk losing the pickup in November by making him look like a viable alternative to Barbara Boxer.

Anyway, Mickey’s bringing up this quote from Jon Alter’s book The Promise:

The biggest frustration involved infrastructure. Obama said later that he learned that “one of the biggest lies in government is the idea of ‘shovel-ready’ projects.” It turned out that only about $20 billion to $40 billion in construction contracts were truly ready to go. The rest were tied up in the endless contracting delays and bureaucratic hassles associated with building anything in America. [E.A.]

…and asking:

Did Obama really not know this back in January, 2009? I mean, Alter’s book pretty convincincly demonstrates that the President is a very smart man. But a smart man would have to have had virtually no contact, direct or vicarious, with government not to realize state and federal  construction projects are bound up with time-consuming rules (like the Davis-Bacon Act’s “prevailing wage” requirements) that undermine their Keynesian utility.

Continue reading #rsrh Letting Other People Do It: Stimulus edition.

#rsrh Thank God Mickey Kaus lost the DEM CA-SEN primary…

we dodged a bullet there. Forty grand = 100K votes; he was always one heck of a long shot, but if he had been properly funded he would have been able to more directly confront Sen. Boxer.  There was always that frightening possibility that he could have goaded the Senator into being… well, Barbara Boxer… and this is a year for primary upsets.  If that had happened, we would have been facing a Democrat in the general election who couldn’t be tied to his party’s positions on illegal immigration and public sector unions.  I’m not the only Republican out there who found that prospect unappealing.

Fortunately, it’s no longer even a remote possibility – and I can now go back to linking to Kaus safely.

Moe Lane

PS: Carly Fiorina for Senate.

Barbara Boxer (D, CA) to get primary challenger: Mickey Kaus.


Pioneering political blogger Mickey Kaus took out papers filed to run for U.S. Senate in California, he told LA Weekly. The Venice resident said he’ll run this year against Barbara Boxer for her seat. He said he took out filed papers at with the Los Angeles County Registrar of Voters, although a spokeswoman there could not yet confirm the filing.

The Democrat has been centrist and even conservative on some of the issues on which Boxer has taken a more left-leaning stand, including immigration: He does not favor amnesty and favors a more restrictive national policy.

Mickey’s even admitted to it on his site, which would explain why it’s not been updated for a week otherwise.  For obvious reasons, I’m not endorsing him – a hypothetical Senator Kaus would caucus with the Democrats, which breaks the first rule of my endorsement criteria – but if you’re a Democrat who is tired of a liberal idiot* or idiots representing you, well, do something useful about it.  Nobody cares if you’re just going to be mortified.

Moe Lane Continue reading Barbara Boxer (D, CA) to get primary challenger: Mickey Kaus.

Legions of Editors & Fact-Checkers Watch: The Atlantic poll cherrypicking.

Please note that I am not making the accusation that overt racism has anything to do with Mr. Good’s ill-crafted attack on Governor Bobby Jindal.

(H/T: Instapundit) The Atlantic’s Chris Good, on Governor Jindal’s (correct) observation that polls show that the public does not support the Democrats’ health care plans:

Of the most recent, reliable, non-partisan major polls–a Sept. 12 Washington Post/ABC survey, an Economist/YouGov survey released Sept. 15, and a Sept. 25 NY Times/CBS poll–only the first shows Americans opposed to Democratic plans (48 percent to 52 percent); the other two show Americans in favor, though NY Times/CBS found that 46 percent say they don’t know enough to decide.

Slate’s Mickey Kaus, after noting that Good unaccountably ignored Economist/YouGov polls done after September 15th, not to mention some others that destroyed Good’s narrative, provides a correction:

Of the most recent, reliable, non-partisan major polls–a Sept. 12 Washington Post/ABC survey, an Economist/YouGov survey released Sept. 29, and a Sept. 25 NY Times/CBS poll–two of the three show Americans opposed to Democratic plans. The only one showing even a plurality in favor is the wacky NY Times/CBS survey that managed to generate a 46 percent undecided number. [E.A.]

I know that the Atlantic is getting to be one of those places that seem to be overly tolerant of bizarre conspiracy theories, but this is bush-league stuff – and easily checked. One wonders why nobody did.

Or why nobody’s fixed this yet, either.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.