Meet the blessed, and accursed*, Brian Jablonski.

He is blessed and accursed* for precisely the same reason: this is the man who designs new blasters for Nerf.

Yes.  This man is the guy with That Job. This is the guy who won the employment lottery jackpot with the bonus number.  This is the guy who is not only an Alpha Geek; he is a King Geek… with a seat on the Council of Advisors to the God-Emperor Geek, should we ever get around to having one.

And he has apparently given us a 75 foot range blaster, with triple ammo capacity.


Moe Lane

(Via Instapundit)

*Note: not actually “accursed.”

3 thoughts on “Meet the blessed, and accursed*, Brian Jablonski.”

  1. One of the guys here at the office has one of these – it works as advertised, though it is a bit noisy. Although I may prefer the Vulcan myself.

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