QotD, Chris Christie Has A Point edition.

From his Esquire interview:

My wife says to me, “Why did you make our son be a Mets fan? You coulda let him be a Yankee fan and he coulda been happy.” I said, “As a Mets fan, he’s going to understand pain and disappointment. Other losses that he experiences in life, he’ll keep in perspective.” You don’t change your loyalty.

To be a Mets fan is to be an intimate in the mysteries of pain.


#rsrh “Four more weeks! Four more weeks!” – Overflow crowd in Ohio for Romney.

Your lips to God’s ears, Ohioan voters.

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney received a warm reception on a cold evening at the Shelby County Fairgrounds Wednesday as he addressed a crowd estimated at more than 8,500 people, more than eight times the number expected to turn out.


As the elder Romney took the stage, the sea of people rose into a breaking wave of cell phones and cameras to capture the momentous event, chanting “four more weeks, four more weeks!”

But don’t worry: they cleaned up after themselves.  Because, you know, Republicans.


Moe Lane

#rsrh Tweet of the Day, :monotone: Deplorable. Absolutely Deplorable edition.

I am, of course, appalled.

Absolutely and utterly appalled. I may even have an episode over this.


#rsrh Politico buries the lede on Democratic prospects.

Blink, and you’ll miss it:

Insiders see Obama’s flop as turbulence, unsettling but hardly fatal, and say their internal polling shows erosion but not anything approaching collapse.

Translation: Romney undeniably improved his position, permanently (or as permanently as anything else is in this business). And if the Democrats’ internal polling was assuming as much of an electorate like 2008’s as a lot of the external polling was (and is), well…

#rsrh QotD, Creeping Theocracy Hopefully Creeping BACK edition.

Ace is brutally honest:

The fusion of religion and politics has in fact been every bit as deleterious as the liberals always warned us.  It’s just that they were the ones who actually fused God and President.

Annnd that’s pretty much it.  I had more, but I’m not exactly sure what it was, to be honest.

New Movie Trailer: “Parker.”

It might not suck.


Admittedly, it looks a bit like Payback; but then, Payback didn’t suck, either*.

Moe Lane

*Which was helped by having Lucy Liu in it.  Apropos of nothing, it’s a shame that SM Stirling never sold the rights to the Islander trilogy to Hollywood; she would have made a great Alice Hong.

President Obama promises to be incompetently nasty at next debate.

I’m paraphrasing: the exact line from the ABC article was “President Obama says he was “just too polite” and that voters should expect “a little more activity” next week in round two.” How is this funny? Let me count the ways:

  • ‘Too polite’ is not actually semantically equivalent to ‘walked into an ambush fat, dumb, and happy.’  Which is what happened.  And while ‘a little more activity’ probably is meant to convey the meaning ‘I will try to avoid looking again like a gaffed fish being paraded through the town,’ the meaning of the former is still a little stripped-down.
  • Right now the only things that Barack Obama have going for him is that he’s the incumbent, and that enough people think that he himself is all right.  Get nasty, and suddenly the only thing that Obama has going for him is that he’s the incumbent.  Go ask GHW Bush, Carter, Ford, and Hoover if that’s enough*.
  • Just after that bit, Obama breezily “compared the presidential race to a seven-game basketball series in which he was ahead two-nothing and lost one game to Mitt Romney at the debate.” Bad metaphor: basketball game scores are not determined by the fans.  The President should try using the example of a boxing match: of course, if you use that metaphor then what we have here is a situation where it’s the third round, the President was ahead on points… and Mitt Romney just laid him out for a seven count.  Obama hasn’t lost, but he is not winning right now.
  • …You know something?  Obama should ignore that last bullet point.  Basketball game series?  Perfect.  Go with that, Mr. President.  Go with that.

Continue reading President Obama promises to be incompetently nasty at next debate.

#rsrh Hey, Stephanie Cutter goes beet red when she’s lying! Useful tell, that.

I may not be the most disinterested observer out there, but let me say this anyway.  Stephanie Cutter?  It was fairly obvious, during this interview, that you were thinking to yourself Is this what I went to Georgetown for?  Am I really letting myself look like an idiot on television by having to repeat this stupid 5 trillion thing when Piers Morgan – PIERS MORGAN – is calling me on my own contradictory rhetoric? Was it really worth it?

Continue reading #rsrh Hey, Stephanie Cutter goes beet red when she’s lying! Useful tell, that.