Joe Biden touts the fiscally progressive ideals of his Delaware homeland.

…Wait.  What?

While I understand that it’s absolutely fascinating to watch Joe Biden campaign on the unique message Let’s have a trillion dollar tax hike!

BIDEN: “On top of the trillions of dollars of spending that we have already cut, we’re gonna ask – yes – we’re gonna ask the wealthy to pay more. My heart breaks, come on man. You know the phrase they always use? Obama and Biden want to raise taxes by a trillion dollars. Guess what? Yes we do in one regard. We want to let that trillion dollar tax cut expire so the middle class doesn’t have to bear the burden of all that money going to the super wealthy. That’s not a tax raise, that’s called fairness where I come from.”

Continue reading Joe Biden touts the fiscally progressive ideals of his Delaware homeland.

#rsrh The first of many, many brutal ads about yesterday’s brutal, brutal debate.

American Future Fund twists the knife:

By the way? Message discipline on the Left absolutely sucks these days. Or else they really and truly were not expecting Barack Obama to step on the rake last night. We’re only now starting to see a coherent push-back on yesterday’s reality; a real shame that it’s about six hours too late.

#rsrh AARP throws Obama under his own bus.

Now this must have been embarrassing:

Via @MelissaTweets. Horrible thing, when an interest group that you bought fair and square won’t stay bought…

#rsrh I would be more impressed with Obama cratering on Intrade…

…at least, for the moment:

Anyway: I’d be more impressed with the Intrade going down if I was all that impressed with the Intrade going up. It’s not a bad tool for figuring out what conventional wisdom is; but a look at Intrade’s antics during, say, a typical NY state special Congressional election should prove instructive when it comes to assessing its ability to predict the future.

Still: a shame that you can’t short stocks on Intrade, huh? Whoever suggested doing that to Obama contracts a few weeks ago on Twitter is looking like a freaking genius right now. [UPDATE: Apparently you can short stocks on Intrade. So noted, and thanks to everyone who pointed it out.]

Moe Lane

We won the debate; now, let’s move on to the next thing.

So, I had the opportunity to talk with Senator Marco Rubio last night, and ask him a question.  I’ll spare you the verbal tics and whatnot: what I asked Rubio, effectively, was “What advice did the Romney campaign take heed off, out of all of New Media’s unsolicited offerings along those lines?”  This is how Rubio responded:

Rubio 10/03/2012

The funny part was: at the time, I didn’t think that Senator Rubio had actually answered the question*.  But that’s because I had asked the question before the debate.  It was fairly clear last night that Romney had taken to heart the fundamental realization of most of us: Barack Obama ain’t so tough.  He is a little too ready to believe his own hype, doesn’t realize in his bones just how much he’s carried by others, and has an overrated sense of his personal skills and core competencies.  Mitt Romney exploited that from the start last night, and made the clear distinction between him and his opponent that the Senator talks about above and we all wanted Romney to make.

Which is great.  But it’s a start.  Have your warm, fuzzy feeling this morning, sure – then start thinking about how we can take away more from the Democrats.  And then start doing it, too.  We will not be able to coast to the election on the basis of this one primary, and winning elections is a team sport.  Fortunately, Mitt Romney gave us some good stuff to work with, last night.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

PS Erick is right: put your money where your mouth is.  I just did.

*This did not particularly bother me. Questions and answers in this business is often a cat-and-mouse game where neither side is ever really sure which one is the cat.

So, how badly did Joe Biden Open His Mouth with the “Buried Middle Class” comments?

“The middle class has been BURIED! …The last four years.”

Well, the RNC put out an ad about it…

…but the real sign of the Oopsie?

Yup. T-shirts.

Moe Lane

PS: No, I don’t see a dime of that T-shirt money. And yet I’m flogging ’em anyway. Wow, I must really want Romney to win.