8 thoughts on “You know, #p2: you might have won #SC01 if Nancy Pelosi had retired in 2009.”

  1. I still distinctly recall the shock (followed quickly by a warm glow) when I figured out she was sticking around.

    1. In what way, qixlqatl?
      She was very well funded, which is usually the deciding factor.
      She was a bit further left than the district trends, but other states have elected left-leaners before, especially well-funded ones in special elections.
      Wait. You’re not saying this because she has a uterus, are you?
      (kidding! Of course I don’t think that!)

      1. Were you by chance following Toure’s twitter feed? Because they did make an effort to point out that Mark Sanford was both white and male (something I had already figured out).

        Of course who was the seat vacated by?

        1. I do not “twit” (or “tweet” or whatever) so .. no, I was not following Toure. Who is Toure, anyway?
          I would like to know why qixlqatl indicates she was a bad fit .. asserting it without some amount of justification leads to the lowest common denominator, and forces the rest of us to do more work.

          1. The first thing that comes to mind is: if you’re running for office in SC-01, and your answer to the question “Will you vote for Nancy Pelosi to be Spea…” is NOT to interrupt with “HELL no. What kind of idiot do you think that I am?”… then, no, you’re not a good fit for that seat. 🙂

          2. And adding the *context* saves time.
            p.s. did anyone ask Sanford about Boehner?

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