Three things about this MRC video…

where they ask people in DC whether they blame Barack Obama or George W Bush for the shutdown:

  1. …I’m not really upset that they’re blaming the one guy in the Republican party who had nothing to do with the shutdown for the shutdown.
  2. Neither is the Republican party leadership. They’re actually kind of relieved that they got away with it, because general resentment of a party loses a lot in translation into specific dislike of a politician*.
  3. …I like you, 1:02 Woman. I say this, knowing full well that you probably vote a straight Democratic ticket. You’re like the only person in those clips who treated the very question as if it was crazy, which it was.

Moe Lane

*Look at House re-election rates for the last forty years if you don’t believe me.  Approval rating is, what, 10% at the moment? Of course, that’s the average approval rating for Every OTHER Member of Congress besides mine, but we’re not supposed to say that, for some reason.

#Obamacare Death Watch: Kathleen Sebelius and the sword of Damocles.

Sounds like an adventure novel title.

Normally this would be a sign that HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius would be out the door before Friday:

White House press secretary Jay Carney said Tuesday that President Obama still trusts Sebelius’s stewardship of his signature legislative achievement.

“The secretary does have the full confidence of the president,” Carney said during his daily press briefing.

Continue reading #Obamacare Death Watch: Kathleen Sebelius and the sword of Damocles.

Oregon families see their rates skyrocket over useless #Obamacare add-ons.

Hey, here’s a funny thing: when you tell somebody that they have to provide a service, and then they tell you that they’d have to charge people money for that service, and you tell them that you don’t care about THAT, guess what happens?

“Policy holders are seeing almost double their monthly premiums,” said a KATU viewer named Larry in an email. He said his wife’s premium will increase by $300 under the Affordable Care Act.

Cover Oregon spokesman Michael Cox says most insurance plans that focus on lower premiums and higher deductibles will be replaced by plans with lower deductibles and higher benefits. Continue reading Oregon families see their rates skyrocket over useless #Obamacare add-ons.

The Jellyfish are coming FOR YOUUUUUUUUUU…

This post about the looming worldwide threat of jellyfish is all very… something (for the record: there are really good reasons why marine invertebrates aren’t at the top of the food chain, and I don’t even have to bring up what happens to them when you drop a depth charge), but I am drawn to this photo:


Just how do they get people to come to Australia, anyway?

Moe Lane


Tweet of the Day, @OFA Realizes Just How Badly They Messed Up edition.

You gotta be KIDDING me:

Bad enough that they said it – and, by the way? That wasn’t much of a rally there, kids – worse that they thought that they could memory-hole it. Dudes: if that happens to you again, do what the folks last weekend asked the guy with the Confederate flag to do. Tell the idiot to put the stupidity artifact away.

Or not. Not my problem, either way.

Calvin Coolidge Foundation looking for the best Calvin Coolidge blog entry.

(Via TaxProf) The Calvin Coolidge Foundation is offering a twenty thousand dollar prize for best blog on the subject of Coolidge:

The prize will go to the author who best captures the spirit of the thirtieth president and the ideals Coolidge favored, some of which were: independence, thrift, balanced budgets, a restrained federal government, active state government, perseverance after hardship, appreciation of commerce, stable money, support for international law, competence at work, meticulous respect for the Constitution, civility and respect for religious faith.

…Or just “integrity.”

Moe Lane

PS: No, I’m not submitting it: this particular entry will be published far too late to be eligible, and Calvin Coolidge played by the rules.

Alice Palmer? Yeah, I remember her. I remember the Palmer Raids, too.

I wonder whether we’re going to see the latter at any point: I can’t imagine that President Obama is all that pleased at all those Lefties being stroppy about the NSA.

…Wow.  I wrote that last night, at about 1 AM.  I get really, really cynical when I get too tired…

Moe Lane Continue reading Alice Palmer? Yeah, I remember her. I remember the Palmer Raids, too.