We’re at the 23 hour-mark-and-counting before the end of the TimeWatch Kickstarter; the current pledge total is just below $82K. At $85K a new stretch goal opens up: to wit, a 96 page Guide to the Annotated Timeline supplement. If it unlocks, a backer at my existing level gets the PDF for free, and the printed copy for an extra $20 (as an ‘add-on’). So: if I toss in that $20, the Kickstarter will be $20 closer to the total; but if the Kickstarter does not hit its total, then I will have to take that $20 and hopefully apply it towards another add-on (but if I had wanted that hypothetical add-on in the first place I’d have simply increased my backing in the first place), or go to a higher tier at the last second.
It’s a definite exercise in game theory, no? What’s my optimal strategy, here?
It boils down to : is this PDF worth $20? If yes than take the chance, if no then don’t bother