To quote Oscar Wilde, you would have to have a heart of stone not to laugh at this:
The apparent decision by executives at Media Matters for America to oppose the unionization of their staff has left employees at the progressive media watchdog feeling stunned and betrayed, according to a statement from pro-union workers.
Media Matters management recently declined to recognize the union through the “card check” process, instead exercising its right to force a union election under National Labor Relations Board oversight. If an employer wants to keep a workplace union-free, the latter route can give it time to delay the proceedings, bring in union-busting consultants and pressure workers to vote down the union.
We will forgive the Huffington Post its reflexive use of loaded language regarding the unionization process, if only because it’s much more important to marvel at Media Matters’ rank hypocrisy. But the really funny thing? Wait until the employees actually try to collectively bargain with MMFA! – Because if that happens then Media Matters will bring in scabs like nobody’s business. I guarantee it*.
Moe Lane
*Father and grandfather were good union men – railroad union men, which means that they meant it – and I grew up in a labor-friendly household. So I know a little bit about the subject, yeah.
Channeling Nelson Muntz: “HA ha!”
A good schadenfreude requires not laughing, though ..
I will say that the dark-chocolate cockles of my heart are quite nicely warmed by this.
The best part is going to be bringing this up every time MM publishes a pro-union article….
Now that’s something to look forward to
Reading the comments at HuffPo was a lot of fun.
Scabs! Scabs! Scabs! Scabs!
Their suffering is the sweetest ambrosia.
Liberal tears of unfathomable sadness are delicious!
I was thinking more along the lines of something more macabre.
Come on, Moe, maybe MMFA just loves the idea of private voting more than they do unions. Not checking their card means being stalked by union thugs 24-7 until enough do so. The NLRB wants employers to provide addresses and private telephone numbers to organizers. Signing the card does not mean you will vote for the union.