Check engine light on just before a four hour trip and my iPad screen splintered. Oh, and I had to paint the porch (other people would call it the ‘stoop’), but at least that worked out all right. None of which is really interesting to anybody else, but if I can’t complain on a personal blog about my First World Problems (fun song, by the way) then I probably can’t complain anywhere.
2 thoughts on “Ugh. Real-life crises all day.”
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I was imagining that you managed to get in the Destiny Beta, and was mildly jealous.
My fantasies are often more fun than reality.
Check Engine light? I usually take it to Autozone to have them pull the code, and if it’s not something actually dangerous, I ignore it until I have to deal with it (for example, emission control problems can mostly be safely ignored until it’s time to pass inspection.)