Quote of the Day, Alas, Mitt Romney Is Too Nice To Do This edition.

Glenn Reynolds‘ reaction to hearing that Harry Reid is proud of the fact that he slandered an innocent man:

You know, if I were Mitt Romney, I’d put a million or so toward hiring some investigative journalists to ensure that Reid’s remaining years were uncomfortable.

Fortunately, there are enough people out there with that kind of discretionary income who aren’t the freaking King of the Boy Scouts* that this advice could still be followed. And followed to some profit, too – profit beyond simple revenge, although simple revenge has its points.  After all, fairly credible rumor has Harry Reid being involved in a lot of interesting things of dubious probity and legality.  Pick him up, turn him upside down, and start shaking, and who knows what will fall out of Harry Reid’s pockets?

I don’t know, Timmy! Let’s find out.**

Moe Lane

*Thank you, Mass Effect 3.

**…Well, I thought that this was a quote.

RONALD REAGAN National Airport! Say its name! RONALD REAGAN National Airport!

Sorry: I wasn’t really aware that the name “RONALD REAGAN National Airport” was so infuriating to a bunch of people that I was already cheerfully contemptuous towards.  Under the circumstances, my only regret is that I’m not writing thing on Saturday morning, so that my saying “RONALD REAGAN National Airport!” wasn’t contributing to more hangovers right now.  Anyway, this is what I really took away from that article:

In the long run, it looks like “Reagan” will win out. Our survey found that younger generations are more likely to use Reagan, regardless of political affiliation. That may be because, to them, “Reagan” simply connotes “the convenient airport that’s on Metro” — just as “Dulles,” to many locals, means “the airport that’s way out in Virginia,” not “the namesake of John Foster Dulles, architect of Cold War brinkmanship.”

That’s certainly the case for Denzel Thomas, 25.

“I don’t know much about Ronald Reagan,” said the D.C.-based artist, while waiting for a flight to Miami. “I think he was president before I was born.”

Don’t be absurd: ’25’ means that the guy was born in… 1990.

Oh, God, I am old.

Moe Lane

Via @gabrielmayor.