This is what hysteria looks like.
This is, in fact, what hysteria spawned by the creeping realization that your party is going to lose the next Presidential election looks like. Normally I wouldn’t bother smacking these people around for it – they don’t have enough followers to be worth my time – but since Hillary Clinton seems so determined to take so many cheap shots this week, it seems reasonable enough to note that the crazy, desperate accusations aren’t a top-down affair. Or at least not just a top-down affair. There are a lot of people in the Democratic party who are suckling from the ‘poisonous rhetoric’ teat right now, and they’re not going to become any saner between now and November 2016.
In fact… they’ll probably get even nuttier. And, yes, they can get nuttier. I mean, look at that screenshot, again. It’s nasty, sure: but at least they aren’t talking about how 9/11 was all because of the Jews.
Moe Lane
They have no idea that was supposed to happen on New Years, when Her Husband was still in office?
Good thing it didn’t happen then because Clinton would’ve botched the response.
The more I look at that picture, the more confused I am. Is it trying to say “Look, you know it and I know it… Another terrorist attack on US soil responsible for many deaths can happen any day. Do you want a Republican as President, who will use this as an excuse to go invade some country?” Or is it a “Steel doesn’t melt at those temperatures, clearly 9/11 was an inside job, by Bushhitler, so he could go invade Iraq. And if we nominate another Republican, it’ll all happen again.” Or just “Duuuh. 9/11 bad. Republican bad. Vote non-Republican.”
Its pretty accurate in one regard. Bill Clinton’s incompetence helped pave the ground for 9/11 ( 93′ WTC bombings 00′ USS Cole)
A Republican happened to be President when the timebomb went off.
Similarly Barack Obama has done everything humanly possible to reverse the gains of GWOT, his actions have allowed an arguably even more dangerous opponent then AQ emerge in ISIS, and he’s allowed ( like Clinton) more Terror attacks to occur on U.S. soil then his predecessor ( to my knowledge 9/11 was the only terror attack on US soil during the Bush admin) Obama has allowed at least 4, the first being Ft. Hood, 2nd Boston Marathon, 3rd Garland, Texas, and 4th Chatanooga, TN
The last option has too many words to be accurate, but managed to get the gist.
…. do you think Dems will know what that word means without looking it up on ?