…NOTHING happened today?

Seriously? I’m flailing around, here.  What am I gonna do for content?

Well, I suppose that that’s good news, and everything. Means that there weren’t any major disasters. Still, you’d think that somebody would have kicked a nun, or something.

13 thoughts on “…NOTHING happened today?”

  1. Well, my eldest started her Make-a-Wish trip today…
    Which is a very cool thing that I dearly wish were happening to someone else.

      1. Thanks.
        Hey, it could easily be worse. Even gnarly cardiac surgeries are very black/white. She makes it through the surgery and the 48 hours thereafter, and she’s pretty much golden for the rest of her life.
        There are lots of things out there that (best case) only go into remission and continue to hang over your head like the sword of Damocles.
        But I’ll really appreciate it when they give us a date and let us out of limbo.

    1. Apparently the list of things I cannot do today includes reading, typing, and stopping the posting of a comment that has a horrible typo.

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