So… since they’re bringing back all the RPG lines anyway, which ones do you want back?

God bless crowdfunding, huh? – Because half the stuff that I played or read when I was a kid is getting updated or reprinted or whatnot.  But only half; which is bad. And yet, good, because maybe it’ll get rejuvenated later. Personally, there are two games that I want to see come back, more than any other.

  • The first is something called In Nomine, by Steve Jackson Games: angels and demons fighting it out on planet Earth, in pretty much any way that you can imagine. I loved the setting, and I can still think in it, if I take the time to. And I flatter myself that I had a reasonably interesting take on the game world.
  • The other? 7th Sea, by Alderac Entertainment Group. You know how swashbuckler films go?  Yeah, it’s like that.  This is more playing-nostalgia than writing-nostalgia; I was in a couple of absolutely awesome campaigns there, and I wouldn’t mind AEG updating the game to the new edition.

What about you folks? Remember: many things are possible, now.  Many, many things.

5 thoughts on “So… since they’re bringing back all the RPG lines anyway, which ones do you want back?”

  1. I want the legal problems of Villains and Vigilantes to be over, so they can publish a new edition. They’ve got a GoFundMe going, almost 7K of their asking 50K so far.

  2. Well, Glorantha has already made its triumphant return.
    The new version of D&D evokes bunches of nostalgia.
    Traveler didn’t stay gone, if it ever really left.
    Ars Magica is still hanging around.
    Paranoia was already rebooted, and 5th dropped down the memory hole.
    Maybe the Morrow Project? Twilight 2010? MERP? TORG? T&T?

    1. Atlas Games is retiring Ars Magica. Its last 5th ed book is being published this month (the company’s other lines were supporting it). Though Atlas has had some success with lines.

      IIRC TORG was bought by a German company. There was some talk of doing a Savage Worlds treatment for the setting.

      1. The way they described Ars Magica, it sounded less like it was being retired, and more like one guy with the vision of “Mythic Eurpoe” was retiring. Or the mechanics may significantly change, dunno.
        Looks like West End Games was planning on releasing Torg 2.0 in 2005-6, and failed. Ulisses Spiele, the new owners, claimed in 2014 to be working towards a new edition for 2015.
        Wouldn’t The Morrow Project be too similar to Fallout?

  3. Conan. Indiana Jones. ICE’s LOTR stuff. and since fun (as opposed to the glee of being a murder hobo dismembering an opponent) seems to be in short supply, Toon. Moe mentions a couple of gems as well.

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