Quote of the Day, I Ultimately Found The CNBC Debate Delightful For This Very Reason edition.


Instead of being a chance for the Republican candidates to debate each other, the CNBC debate ended up pitting the candidates in a debate against the mainstream media.

And that’s what was awesome about it.

I take a very pragmatic view of debates: will what happened cost my party votes in the general election? And the answer here is an unequivocal ‘no.’ We had a lot of good video clip fodder yesterday, and it was all of Republicans smashing smug media idiots right in the metaphorical chops. And, as Robert Tracinski went on to note in that article: the media hates the Republican party, and wants us to die in a fire.  Best that our candidates get practice in dealing with that early.

Military blimp goes AWOL!

So we lost a blimp for a while today, huh?

The military surveillance blimp that broke free of its mooring at Aberdeen Proving Ground Wednesday morning has returned to Earth after a four-hour, 160-mile, power line-snapping odyssey, authorities said.

Yeah, there’s a metaphor looking for a home. I’d try to link it up to American domestic policy or something, except that there’s a junior officer in Aberdeen who got the ass-chewing of his or her life today, and it hardly seems fair to pile on. Seriously, that officer is going to be The Blimp Person for the rest of his or her career…

Last Debate Tweet/Post, I swear.

I finally turned on the radio – thanks to Constant Reader Compound for the link – and this pretty much sums how CNBC did tonight.

As I noted on Twitter, this wasn’t CNBC having a dumpster fire, or them fornicating the canine. This was them fornicating the dumpster fire.

Louisville Democratic leadership doesn’t care if black people serve on juries.

So, WDRB has this story about a black Louisville judge (Olu Stevens) who has at least twice dismissed all-white juries when there’s a black defendant. The Kentucky Supreme Court is going to be investigating that, and it makes sense that they’re investigating that. But… there’s this data nugget about the Jefferson County jury pool:

[I]n October, 14 percent of potential jurors were black, far below the estimated 21 percent for all residents of Jefferson County, according to records kept by the commission. In September, 13 percent of potential Jefferson County jurors were black.

Continue reading Louisville Democratic leadership doesn’t care if black people serve on juries.

Tweet of the Day, A Subtle Hint From The RNC edition.

Via CBS comes this tweet from a Rand Paul campaign guy suggesting that the RNC perhaps would like Senator Paul should get started on his Senate re-election campaign:

…he’s not the only one to get shortchanged on the green rooms for tonight’s debate, mind you. And apparently the overall discussion over this got tense. Personally, I’m staying out of it; only, politics ain’t beanbag, and this sort of thing is done all the time.