…about the parable of the Games Journalist and the Developer doesn’t precisely correspond to how things can work in the political blogosphere; but neither is it completely alien to my own experience, either. Politicians hate both Old and New Media, and Old and New Media both despise politicians. But we can’t operate without each other, and we all (both sides) crave the access. And if you have the access, you may not understand how having access looks to people who don’t*.
I was going somewhere with this, I swear. Danged if I know where, though. It’s still a pretty good comic.
Moe Lane
*Speaking as someone who has some access; you legitimately forget that you have more of it than most people. And that your life got steadily weirder as a result of that access.
Yeah, Penny Arcade is talking about stuff related to gamergate, even if not specifically mentioned. And now I’m wondering if there are times that politicians offer to sleep with political journalists, in exchange for positive coverage.
Umm, politics is Hollywood for unattractive people. Note that I don’t exactly consider myself to be any sort of movie idol, either. 🙂
Yes, gamergate.
Specifically Bethesda not providing the Gawker gaming site with a copy of Fallout 4 to review.
Kotaku says it’s retribution because of a leak they published. Bethesda somewhat politely noted that Kotaku has driven away much of the readership that made giving them advance copies worthwhile.
Gamergaters are very much enjoying the irony of Kotaku decrying censorship.