Happy pre-Thanksgiving!

…I say this because I just found out that Wi-Fi is extra at the timeshare that we’re going to, so I may be taking the hint, and the rest of the week off.  Awful of me, I know. But I probably need the enforced vacation, not least because I’m on the verge of grinding my teeth over this particular primary season.

But I digress. If I don’t say it later, let me say it now: everybody, enjoy your Thanksgiving. Hope you all have somewhere to go.

15 thoughts on “Happy pre-Thanksgiving!”

  1. > Hope you all have somewhere to go.


    Just got back from the weekly grocery shopping trip. I’m glad to say I have no plans to go further than a post-feast constitutional might take me for at least a couple days.

  2. My girlfriend cooks a Thanksgiving Dinner That Can’t Be Beat, so my trip for the holidays is about 20 feet.

  3. Hope you and yours have a good Thanksgiving too, Moe. Don’t worry about taking the time off. We’ll be here when you get back.

  4. Everyone (almost) coming here. That’s the best. Turkey is brining. Yeast rolls rising. Yes. I am thankful.

  5. okay ALL-
    I just did this: started the Adam Sandler Thanksgiving Song, sort of immediately got bored.
    Went over to the Jeff Bezo’s ??? rocket launch re-entry WHILE the Thanksgiving Song is still playing. And on my machine, it becomes the PERFECT background music for the rocket video.
    Serendipity Snychronocity (spelling challenges)
    Am thankful for Moe Lane… Adds to the spice of my day

  6. I’m thankful for all the things I’ve learned about turning the holidays into political fights.

  7. Went over the river and through the woods to grandma’s, Then helped my cousin lug a buck in from said woods.

    Happy thanksgiving to you sir. I’m thankful for your engaing prose.

  8. Back from the Thanksgiving with the family, at my timeshare. Which is why I’m considering going out tonight, and doing some serious drinking.

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