A highly useful touchstone to tell if you’ve Gone Too Far in your bigotry.

Are you at the stage where you see people from your Designated Hate Category having a perfectly innocent, non-political holiday party and go, Hmm. I think that I’ll go disrupt it with unhinged protests? …Congratulations. You have Gone Too Far.  Please retire to the nearest remote location and meditate on your sins for however long it takes, because you have failed at Basic Humanity.

And, for the love of God: DO NOT HAVE CHILDREN. Don’t even donate sperm or eggs.  We don’t know yet if your defect is genetic.

Via Instapundit.

Seattle discovers new and exciting way to get rid of Uber.


…in Seattle, new legislation the City Council will vote on today [*] could give these drivers a way to collectively bargain regardless of how they’re classified. Some call it the Voice for Drivers legislation, others the Uber unionization bill (not technically correct,  since it applies to all of Seattle’s for-hire drivers, including taxis). Either way, the proposed bill appears to be the first of its kind in the nation: a clever workaround to a federal law that has so far prevented Uber and Lyft drivers from organizing and jointly negotiating on pay and working conditions. It’s Seattle’s bold plan to let its drivers form what would essentially be their own union.

Continue reading Seattle discovers new and exciting way to get rid of Uber.

Quote of the Day, You Don’t Need To Hear John Kerry’s Explanation edition.

RCP: “Secretary of State John Kerry explains why there are not any penalties for countries that do not respect the climate agreement made in Paris yesterday.”

…Do we need to even continue, here?  I mean, really. Further comment is pretty much superfluous. (Via Hot Air Headlines)

Indiana school turns the tables on hardcore atheist jackasses.

To quote the philosopher: come, I will conceal nothing from you.  I find that evangelical atheists can be highly useful faces of the Left. There’s just something about the way that they grimly set out to convince the world that they’re a bunch of jackasses:

Concord High School in northern Indiana used mannequins instead of student actors after a federal judge banned a live Nativity scene that has been performed for decades.

There was applause and cheering at Concord High School on Saturday when the curtain rose revealing a static Nativity scene during the show. The Freedom From Religion Foundation and the American Civil Liberties Union sued the district on behalf of a Concord High School student and his father, arguing that a Nativity scene conveyed an endorsement of religion.

Continue reading Indiana school turns the tables on hardcore atheist jackasses.