Too much bunching up at night on my posting lately?

It’s seeming to work out that way. Possibly I should start pre-loading posts? Or maybe just start blogging during the actual day again?

6 thoughts on “Too much bunching up at night on my posting lately?”

  1. I figured you were spending time with your kids. They do bunch up a bit, but that’s .. just a thing that happens when your priorities are in order, eh?
    Putting some – especially the “Hey, I wrote something for that other site” ones – in the queue to pop later .. maybe in the *morning*? .. would be a good compromise.

    1. The idea, acat, is that his kids are in school during the day. “Priorities” doesn’t explain why he is blogging at night instead of in the morning.
      And when Moe does post, it can fit in a tweet. His entire post here, title excluded and the pointless double-space included, is 136 characters. It is now a rare jem that Moe posts more than a few lines of thought here.
      I’m thinking it is not so much a question of priorities, as it is about caring. Does Moe care about

      1. I sure hope he does. Many of us only visit this site to catch his astute observations.

        It’s a site of sanity – where the current issue of the day – and the crazy runaway responses from the ‘net – are placed in perspective by Moe’s measured and knowledgeable reasoning.

        Some of use his perspectives to keep from jumping off the cliff. Brief is okay.

      2. Christmas Break, Gator. Kids went back to school Monday .. give Moe at least double the length of break to catch up.
        It’d be great for Moe to start blogging during the day again, but … at the risk of committing pop psych .. Moe appears to be hitting the wall Ace of Spades hit a while back.

      3. It’s an interesting question. It may simply be that this is an unfortunate side-effect to having more stuff going out to places that might actually pay me for stuff. I dunno what the answer to that might be, though. I kind of like getting paid for things.

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