Own your life. If you did dumb stuff in the past, go ahead and readily admit to it. Even if it’s embarrassing.
…Unless you can’t admit to it, because the statute of limitations hasn’t run out yet, or won’t run out. Then, Jeebus, yes, don’t talk about that at all. What are you, crazy or something?
Moe Lane
PS: This post got started because I was talking about mullets on Twitter. I mention this because I know somebody was going to ask. Gimme a break, it’s the slow season right now.
admit it and smile!! chortle, even. one is, after all, still alive.
Hey, I admit it, I used to have a mullet. My girls used to call it…”Business in the front, party in the back.”
Didn’t have a mullet. Did have a really just awful haircut in the 80s. Still not sure what would have been better, that wouldn’t have gotten me even more ostracized.
Without doing dumb stuff, we wouldn’t have many stories to tell.
I have a lot of stories.
I’m not running for office. I can cop to the minor violations of the law that I committed in my youth. (Oddly, I wasn’t breaking a single law when I actually landed in jail. I was just doing something the authorities didn’t like. I was shocked to find out that my innocence didn’t matter.)
It would require a miniseries for me to list all the dumb stuff I’ve done in my life.
I am Mikey NTH, I hear you, and I am here for you.
Didn’t have a mullet, because I was in the Navy at the time and those were…contraindicated.
Did want a heavy-metal longhair before that though, and didn’t get one because I was…in a Navy-affiliated youth program (Sea Cadets) and they made us all keep Navy-regulation haircuts.
Why is my hair so long now? No reason. I might *need* a haircut, but I don’t *have* to get one.
Had a mullet once, one Mrs. Cat calls “righteous”.
She’s suggested that I grow out again ..
Dumb stuff I have done?
You want to hear that?
Man you have neither the bandwidth nor the time.
If we just start on how many unrequited crushes that I did something stupid to catch her attention we’d be here for a couple of days. Just stop right now.