The Second Edition of the 7th Sea Second Edition Kickstarter Pledge Drive!

“Let me explain.  No, there is too much. Let me sum up:” 7th Sea Kickstarter, $500 unlocked an ultimate Valentine’s Day gift for the wife (her favorite character as an important NPC), I started a pledge drive, people put up money, all the $500 slots got filled, I immediately returned people’s money*, the end. Very sad, but what can you do?

7th seaHowever, due to the fact that the 7th Sea Kickstarter is going INSANELY well – turns out that people meant it when they kept asking Why won’t John Wick let me throw money at him? – so the $500 tier got opened up again. AND THIS TIME I WAS SMART ABOUT THINGS.  I – and apparently fourteen other people** – had that page loaded up well ahead of time so that we could frantically mash keys and mutter Come on come on work workwork load page load page accept accept process I AM THE NERD KING within seconds of the tier becoming available. Witness! …Err, the image to the left.

So, we’re gonna turn the pledge drive back on, only without even the minimal urgency from the first time.  I have scraped up about half the cash for this already, and all of the cash that I get for the foreseeable future is going to pay for this. If you feel like helping to defray that, that would be spiff. Your call.


Moe Lane

*At least, according to PayPal.  If you pitched in and didn’t get your money back, let me know.

**I salute you, my brothers and sisters.  I salute you. If you ever see this, know that there is somebody who understands your triumph.

8 thoughts on “The Second Edition of the 7th Sea Second Edition Kickstarter Pledge Drive!”

  1. i’m in. bless you, Moe, for letting us out-of-it gamers know. and now they’re doing one for the gossamer and shadow diceless system too

  2. Oh, well I missed the below-the-fold and threw a couple into the “Feeding Nerd-habbits” bucket. IS that the same bucket? Well, all goes to the same place I guess.
    The glee with which you can here be both a supreme nerd AND a supreme husband is a rare treasure, and as such should be encouraged.

  3. The first donation came back to paypal. Bummer you couldn’t use it. sad face.
    I sent it out to a 3rd grade reading project… sort of an educational kickstarter. So…… that was my available discretionary. But as soon as the mid month bucks hit…. $$ back at you, PURELY for Mrs. Moe. !!

    1. Hey, never apologize for giving kids money to help them read! Aside from everything else, as Piper from Fallout 4 noted: my job depends on people being literate. 🙂

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