In the mail: In Nomine dice!

In Nomine, for those who do not know, was where I really cut my teeth on writing roleplaying game material.   Long out of print, alas – but I loved the setting (angels and demons in the modern world) more than any other RPG setting before or since.  Anyway, an old buddy of mine from the lists had made up some special dice for the game, and very kindly sent me over a set.


Mechanically, the game used a modified 2d6 format (one extra die was used to determine extent of success and/or failure). The angel wing motiff is hopefully obvious; the musical notes are there because the game put a particular emphasis on music and song.  All in all, an excellent gift to get: I’m very thankful for it.

Moe Lane

PS: Oh, I’d love for there to be an In Nomine Kickstarter.

6 thoughts on “In the mail: In Nomine dice!”

  1. i think Steve and company are too involved with Munchkin to put out any more rpg stuff. and have you looked in a game store recently? its almost all board and card games anymore…. sad.

  2. The Car Wars players politely cough and motion for the In Nomine to get in the Kickstarter line behind them.

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