Got the afternoon off!

Babysitter is coming in order to give the wife and I a few hours to go do a SCA bardic event in peace and quiet and serenity and whatnot. Which should be nice. Unfortunately, I am apparently horribly out of voice these days, but maybe a little vocal exercise today will help clear that up.

Still, some time off for hearing some impromptu musical performances would be nice. Now that the kids are getting older we can start doing this more often, too.  Lord knows I could use the diversion…

2 thoughts on “Got the afternoon off!”

  1. Have a great time, and yes the older the kids get the easier this gets :). Mine are 14 and 17 and although I did enjoy them when they were in single digits, the older ones do allow for more mom and dad solo time, a bit more drama sometimes, but that just comes with the territory.

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