Has anybody heard anything recently about TORG: Eternity?

The remake of the original TORG RPG is supposed to be coming out this year, only it’s April and there has not been a word so far.  TORG was one of those games where a lot of the mechanics were meh – and the concept was abso-goram-lutely brilliant.  I’d want a second edition on my bookshelf.

4 thoughts on “Has anybody heard anything recently about TORG: Eternity?”

  1. Oooh. Torg’s always been one of those games for me which has bits and pieces of its background that leak through into other RPGs.
    It’d be nice if Chessex revives the “Very close to official Torg colors” Section 8 dice series too.

  2. The Other Roleplaying Game from West End Games. I don’t remember much about it these days, except that the Los Angeles supplement had some pretty scary stuff.

    I don’t think anyone’s done cyberpunk demons in the same fashion.

  3. The Nile Empire is one of my most favourite rpg settings. Throw in the ability to shape encounters via one use cards and it was a lot of fun to play.

    1. I liked the cards as a theoretical concept, but in practical terms they were a bit annoying. You could easily turn it into an app, though. Ooh, that could be a good basic app for gamers!

      If anybody does this now (assuming that it’s not been done already) I want 2% of the gross. 🙂

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