10 thoughts on “The challenge of this picture…”

  1. Ok, using google image search: This is Eastern Street Penitentiary. Designed by John Haviland in 1829 according to Wikipedia. It has a starburst pattern (they call it a wagon wheel design, but it is just the spokes.)

    Vaulted ceilings. Gargoyles. Hallways radiating from a single point. Cells.

    Seems like the perfect place for setting up the exploration of a monastic order given to some dark eldritch mischief. Each hallway could be a new “level” with distinct design, whereas the campaign starts and ends in the central chamber.

    Not a DM or much of a pen and paper roleplay guy, but this setting seems like gold to me.

  2. That was supposed to be Eastern ‘State’ Penitentiary, not ‘street’. Darn auto-cucumber.

  3. I am always fascinated by old buildings. Old factories and office buildings and the things that the ‘Urban Explorers” do (fun name for trespassers.)

    I guess I am always struck by the idea that hundreds and thousands of people went to work here every day- a long time ago. Guys and gals may have gone to work there when young, met someone, had a family, and then retired from the same company. So many lives playing out in hallways or beside machinery.
    In some way both sad and comforting at the same time.

    1. Stay away from nursing homes/retirement facilities between the hours of Midnight and an hour before dawn. Been there done that, wouldn’t advise it if you don’t have a strong heart and aren’t used to dealing with overwhelming fear. That is the time period that many old people die during and something lingers, even if it’s only the memory of death, it is potent.

  4. There’s a light at the end of that mouldering tunnel.
    I find that imagery as powerful as the close dark ruin before it.

  5. Kind of reminds me of the tunnel you pass thru between Death and Rebirth. Stay focused on the light do not be distracted by the shadows of your past or you will be lost forever. Funny how you remember certain things.

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